
Dwarves are short, stocky fellows, easily identified by their size and shape. They average 4 to 4-½ feet tall. They have ruddy cheeks, dark eyes, and dark hair. Dwarves generally live for 350 years.

Dwarves tend to be dour and taciturn. They are given to hard work and care little for most humor. They are strong and brave. They enjoy beer, ale, mead, and even stronger drink. Their chief love, however, is precious metal, particularly gold. They prize gems, of course, especially diamonds and opaque gems (except pearls, which they do not like). Dwarves like the earth and dislike the sea (though this is not true for all dwarves). Not overly fond of elves, they have a fierce hatred of orcs and goblins. Their short, stocky builds make them ill-suited for riding horses or other large mounts (although ponies present no difficulty), so they tend to be a trifle dubious and wary of these creatures. They are ill-disposed toward magic and have little talent for it, but revel in fighting, warcraft, and scientific arts such as engineering.

Though dwarves are suspicious and avaricious, their courage and tenacity more than compensate for these shortcomings.

Dwarves typically dwell in hilly or mountainous regions. They prefer life in the comforting gloom and solidness that is found underground. They have several special abilities that relate to their underground life, and they are noted for being particularly resistant to magics and poisons.

From living underground, dwarves have found it useful to learn the languages of several of their neighbors, both friendly and hostile. The initial languages a dwarf can learn are common (If they take Language (Modern)), dwarf, gnome, goblin, kobold, orc, and any others your DM allows.

By nature, dwarves are nonmagical and never use magical spells (priest spells are allowed however). This gives a bonus to dwarves' saving throws against attacks from magical wands, staves, rods, and spells. This bonus is +1 for every 3 - ½ points of Constitution score. Thus, for example, if a dwarf has a Constitution score of 7 he gains +2 on saving throws. These bonuses are summarized on Table 9.

Similarly, dwarves have exceptional resistance to toxic substances. All dwarven characters make saving throws against poison with the same bonuses that they get against magical attacks (see Table 9).

Also because of their non-magical nature, however, dwarves have trouble using magical items. All magical items that are not specifically suited to the character's class have a 20% chance to malfunction when used by a dwarf. This check is made each time a dwarf uses a magical item. A malfunction affects only the current use; the item may work properly next time. For devices that are continually in operation, the check is made the first time the device is used during an encounter. If the check is passed, the device functions normally until it is turned off. Thus, a dwarf would have to check upon donning a robe of blending but would not check again until he had taken the robe off and then put it on again. If a cursed item malfunctions, the character recognizes its cursed nature and can dispose of the item. Malfunction applies to rods, staves, wands, rings, amulets, potions, horns, jewels, and all other magical items except weapons, shields, armor, gauntlets, and girdles. This penalty does not apply to dwarven clerics using priest items.

In melee, dwarves add 1 to their dice rolls to hit orcs, half-orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins. When ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, or titans attack dwarves, these monsters must subtract 4 from their attack rolls because of the dwarves' small size and combat ability against these much bigger creatures.

Dwarven Infravision enables them to see up to 60 feet in the dark.

Dwarves are miners of great skill. While underground, they can detect the following information when within 10 feet of the particular phenomenon (but they can determine their approximate depth below the surface at any time).

  • Detect grade or slope in passage (83%)
  • Detect new tunnel/passage construction (83%)
  • Detect sliding/shifting walls or rooms (67%)
  • Detect stonework traps, pits, and deadfalls (50%)
  • Determine approximate depth underground (50%)

Note that the dwarf must deliberately try to make these determinations; the information does not simply spring to mind unbidden.

Pre-sundering, the dwarves had been the mentors of the early human race. It was their practice to guide, assist, and protect the young humans as they matured. With the time of Secerno Apocryphum upon them, the dwarvish nations, a loose confederation of several families of dwarves (Rulzil, Grizrin, Thrand, Herril, and Gotri) began a grand plan to save their endangered race. In a fury of building, the dwarves built a massive armada of ships to carry them to new lands that would provide safe harbor. As they vacated their strongholds across Alcirya, the great father, Delvar Theoman (del = steel, var = exile/baz = fire/flame, hig = garrison), drew forth his fallen King’s hammer and smote it upon the earth. “When this hammer, Whelm of Karodos, is once again held by one of our kin, we will be called back to our homelands top greet out new king,” Delvar proclaimed. With that, the dwarves took to the sea.

True to his proclamation, a millennia has passed and the dwarves, who had scattered throughout the world, have been called back to Alcirya to meet their new king, but one problem now exists… who is it? Many expected the new king to be evident to all; with a host of their brethren awaiting the return of their brothers to help them retake the lost mountains. This was not the case. A great council was held to determine how the dwarven nations should proceed. Alas, no resolution could be acquired so the dwarves took their own factions and began to make their way in the new world hoping for the day when one King, under the mountain, will bring the nations together.

Note: All items listed here can be modified or eliminated by the specific type of dwarf you have chosen. Please consult their specific description.

Dwarven Government and Military

Dwarven kingdoms are broken down by clans, usually established by region and race (ex: Hill Dwarf Clan Ironguts from the Iron Hills). Each clan retains but 1 King who also serves as the top level military commander.

A Uber King is also established for each race. He has the power together a council of all Kings under him.

Supposedly, there is a grand King who is seated over all dwarven races who also can call a council of Kings from each race. This seat is rarely occupied (there is little agreement on who that king is).

Each clan consists of a number of families, each of which has a bloodline established patriarch.

A clan council is called, as needed, upon which sits the patriarch of each family.

A King (at any level) sets a small council comprised of important leaders. This often consists of a high ranking priest, a military adviser, and an adviser of subterfuge, and a philosopher. And a bard.

Kings are almost always male with the bloodline being carried by his chosen wife.

In each clan there is a “Strongest” family which has dominance over the other families in the region. It is from this family that a Clan King is chosen.

In each race there is a “strongest” clan who dominates over the other clans. It is from this clan that a Race King is chosen.

Soldiers within the ranks of a collected army (gathered if called by the appropriate king) serve without ranks (and are all considered equal unless you are a king (any level) but are recognized by accomplishments of their group.

It is expected that, should a king have need, the subordinating leader supply material and numbers to support any conflict.

Outside of bloodline, King’s can be chosen by the King/patriarch who presides over them (thus a Clan King would choose the family patriarch if a vacancy occurs). Should a King be unwilling or unable to choose a successor, a moot is called with all leaders of the level and their bards. The bards then tell presents lore. The dwarf with the greatest story is then enthroned. For example, should a Clan King seat sit vacant all the other clans of that race would be called to a moot in which various bards would step forward and present. The most compelling story, as decided by those in attendance, is seated.

Dwarven Settlement Size

  • Small: 10-100
  • Medium: 100-1,500
  • Large: 1,500-4,000

Dwarven settlements are referred to as “Hearthstones” and are established through exploration into other lands by pioneer families (families dedicated to finding new natural resources, particularly minerals, metals, and rocks). When a suitable resource is found, a hearthstone is established and the family builds a new operation gradually expanding its ranks through marriage and birth. The size of the Hearthstone is determined by the dwarves required to exploit the resource.


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