
Efreet are infamous for their hatred of servitude, desire for revenge, cruel nature, and ability to beguile and mislead. The efreet’s primary home is their great citadel, the fabled City of Brass, but there are many other efreet outposts throughout the Elemental Plane of Fire.

An efreet outpost is a haven for 4d10 efreet and is run as a military station to watch or harass others in the Plane. These outposts are run by a malik or vali of maximum normal hit points. There is a 10% chance that the outpost is also providing a temporary home for 1d4 jann or 1d4 dao (the only other genies efreet tolerate). Outpost forces are usually directed against incursions from the Elemental Plane of Air, but they can be directed against any travelers deemed suitable for threats, robbery, and abuse.

Efreet are neutral, but tend toward organized evil. They are ruled by a grand sultan who makes his home in the City of Brass. He is advised by a variety of beys, amirs, and maliks concerning actions within the plane, and by six great pashas who deal with efreet business on the Prime Material plane.

The City of Brass is a huge citadel that is home to the majority of efreet. It hovers in the hot regions of the plane and is often bordered by seas of magma and lakes of glowing lava. The city sits upon a hemisphere of golden, glowing brass some 40 miles across. From the upper towers rise the minarets of the great bastion of the Sultan’s Palace. Vast riches are said to be in the palace of the sultan. The city has an efreet population that far outnumbers the great cities of the Prime Material plane. The sultan wields the might of a Greater Power, while many of his advisors are akin to Lesser Powers and Demi-Powers.

Ecology: Fire Elementals tend to avoid the efreet, whom they feel are oppressive and opportunistic. Djinn hate them, and there have been numerous djinn-efreet clashes. Efreet view most other creatures either as enemies or servants, a view that does not endear them to other genies.

The efreet (singular: efreeti) are genies from the Elemental Plane of Fire. They are enemies of the djinn and attack them whenever they are encountered. A properly summoned or captured efreeti can be forced to serve for a maximum of 1,001 days, or it can be made to fulfill three wishes. Efreet are not willing servants and seek to pervert the intent of their masters by adhering to the letter of their commands.

The efreet are said to be made of basalt, bronze, and solid flames. They are massive, solid creatures.


Efreets are the self-proclaimed fiery princes of the Elemental Chaos, the strongest force of order on that tumultuous plane. Though few in number, they rule over vast armies and households of elemental slaves. The City of Brass is their greatest achievement - a permanent city-fortress in the roiling chaos, unchanging and eternal.

There is no such thing as an “efreet commoner.” Every efreet is a member of a noble house. These houses plot and scheme against each other (much as drow houses do in the Underdark), and from time to time they muster enormous armies against each other. An efreet house might only contain a small number of related efreet, but through power and intimidation they lord it over vast hosts of other elementals. Their control is by no means limited to fire creatures, and smart efreets have creatures formed of various elements serving them. On rare occasions they bind demons to servitude, although they place little trust in them and keep them at arm’s length at all times.

Efreets have no power to grant wishes, despite stories to that effect. As princes of the Elemental Chaos, however, they have power, influence, and widespread connections, and they are not averse to bargaining with weaker mortals. Thus it might be that an efreet released from servitude will grant its liberator a “wish,” within reason. As creatures of nobility and great self-importance, all efreets fear and loathe servitude to others. Sometimes when two efreet houses clash, the losing side is forced to give up a junior member of the house into a specified period of servitude to the victor. This is far more humiliating and punishing than any cost in goods or slaves. When an efreet is magically bound to serve a mortal, it considers that service the worst possible form of humiliation, and burns with resentment against its erstwhile master.

An efreet house will sometimes sponsor a noble hunt where a few nobles of the house venture out of the Elemental Chaos into the world, the Feywild, the Shadowfell, and even into the Astral Sea, hunting particularly dangerous creatures (such as dragons) merely for the sport of doing so, as well as for a fantastic trophy to grace their house mansion.

Magic: An efreeti is able to do the following once per day: grant up to three wishes; use invisibility, gaseous form, detect magic, enlarge, polymorph self, and wall of fire; create an illusion with both visual and audio components which will last without concentration until magically dispelled or touched.

An efreeti can also produce flame or use pyrotechnics at will.

Scimitar Hurl: Strikes 2 targets. Range of 50 ft. for the first target, second target may be no more than 25 ft. away from the first. 2d10+7 dmg. The weapon returns to the Efreet's hand.

Whirling Firesteel Strike: Affects 2 targets in threatened area. 2d8 dmg., targets are pushed 1 square away. Targets are set on fire (d10 dmg/rd.) until a save vs. spell is passed.

Fire Bolt: Range 100 ft., 2d6+8 dmg. and the target is on fire for d6 dmg./rd. until a save vs. spell is made.

Curse of the Efreet: Range of 100 ft., d6+8 dmg., the victim loses all fire resistance until the end of the encounter (no save).

Fan the Flames: Range of 200 ft., affects a target who is already taking ongoing fire damage. All characters within 2 squares of target are affected by exploding flames taking 2d6 dmg.

Fiery Grasp: Range 200 ft., a fiery hand appears and grabs the target for d6+8 dmg. Target saves vs. spell or is immoblized and takes d10 dmg. each round thereafter. As long as the Efreet concentrates on the hand, the target gets no further saving throws.

Fiery Chains: Range of 100 ft. 2d8+7 dmg., 2d10 ongoing damage. Target is restrained and, in place of the Efreets movement, can slide the target 1 square. Save vs. spell to end on going damage and restraint.

Sheets of Flame: The Efreet can summon a Wall of Fire-esque effect. 30 ft. x 10 ft. x 20 ft. tall. Any creature that enters the wall takes 2d10 dmg. The wall blocks line of sight.

Elemental Command: The Efreet can shift (5 squares) one allied elemental creature within line of sight.

Fiery Vendetta: The Efreet is granted an attack of opportunity against 1 target who attacks an ally and is within reach.

Efreet are immune to normal fire-based attacks, and even an attack with magical fire suffers a -1 penalty on all attack and damage rolls.

Efreet can carry up to 750 pounds on foot or flying, without tiring. They can also carry double weight for a limited time: three turns on foot or one turn aloft. For each 150 pounds of weight under 1500, add one turn to either walking or flying time permitted. After tiring, the efreeti must rest for one hour.

Fiery Shield: When the Efreet is affected by a ranged weapon a fiery shiedl springs up to protect him/her. The Efreet makes a Wisdom check (18). If successful, the Efreet only takes half damage for the attack (magical or mundane).

Fiery Teleport: The Efreet can teleport 200 ft. as long as its destination is adjacent to a fire source (including a fiery creature). This requires no action.

Also Known As
Government Type
Known Strongholds
Known Clans
Known Alliances
Trade Expertise
Ability Score Adjustments
Languages Spoken
Racial Enmities
Life Expectancy

Alignment: LE
Organization: Sultanate
Activity Cycle: Day
Intelligence: Very (11-12)
Treasure: Nil
Diet: Omnivore
# Appearing:
XP Value: 8,000
Mvmt: 9, Fl 24 (B)
Size: L (12’ tall)
Morale: Champion (15-16)
Spoken Languages and Dialects

Hit Dice


Base THAC0:



Armor Class


Magic Resistance: Nil

Armor Notes:

Number of Attacks

Attack Forms



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