
Garundzer, Huge Orog: AC 3 (oreish plate mail MV 6; HD 4+4; hp 30; THACa t7 (13 with f0l18 ~pear +2, Strength bonus fiAT 1; Omg ldS+5 (long spror +2, Strength bonus SZ M (7' ML fanatic or better (lS+ Inl very (11 AL LE; XP 175. Carundzer has Str 18/70.   Garundzer is a true mongrel, with bits of orc, orog, and (allegedly) ogre in his ancestry. Standing 7 feet exactly, the huge brute terrifies and bullies his charges and would probably have taken over the tribe by now if not for the hold the priests exercise over him. He smells quite strongly of fish, since Potions of Domination are regularly fed to him to keep him compliant.


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