
Night Below​ ​An old dwarf living in Milbourne. He was a miner back in the day the Garlstone Mines were active. ​  

He's obviously old, and walks with a gnarled stick, but he can still walk home after downing an awful lot of ale. A couple of village children who got too inquisitive about the inside of his abode were dispatched home with a good thrashing.

Old Grizzler is no fool, and he doesn't tolerate fools gladly. He doesn't tolerate them at all, in fact. He has strong opinions on everything, which generally come down to a belief that the world is getting worse by the day, a suspicion that young people don't have the respect for the old that they should have, and an unshakable conviction that wrong-doing should be heavily punished. "String 'em up" is his favorite expression. Despite this crustiness, the old dwarf has a soft spot for young dwarves and after a few ales begins to mellow a little. He is adept at getting others to pay for his ale, and there are the usual rumors of hoarded wealth below his floorboards ("0' course he's got a pile o' gold stashed away somewhere - he's a dwarf, ain't he?").

Apart from adding some color to the scene, Old Grizzler is an important NPC because he knows the area's mines very well. In particular, he worked in the abandoned Garlstone Mine for many years and can sell PCs a map of the mines (Player Handout 4) that may be very useful to them when the time comes. This transaction is detailed in the chapter "Evil Below the Mines."



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