Garlstone Mine

Either from Old Grizzler, or from men in Carman's mines, the PCs can learn that the Garlstone Mine - actually a series of natural caverns linked up by the miners - ceased being profitable some 60 years ago and that much of the lower caverns might be unsafe now due to waterlogging, rotting timbers, and the like. No one has entered the Garlstone Mine for years because of these possible hazards. Originally, the mine produced the "garlstones" after which it was named - a blue, semi-transparent crystalline deposit with fine sworling and striation, used for pendants, brooches, and other jewelry.

The entrance to the Garlstone Mine is easily found, set back a half-mile from the edge of the hills. Around the mine entrance the vegetation is discolored from mine waste. The interior of the mine is pitch dark, of course, except where otherwise noted. The DM may want random encounters here to liven up things, using the appropriate random encounter table from the inside back cover, but he or she should exercise restraint if the PCs have just had (or are just about to have) a major run-in with the bandits of the caves. The often-fanciful names given to particular locations are those long used by the miners, for a variety of reasons mostly explained below.


Water depth in the flooded parts of the cavern is only 8+d4 feet at its deepest. Ceiling height is variable, between 10 and 30 feet (where this is important, the specific height is noted). Bandits here have 2d10 gp per level, in addition to other specific treasure listed. As with Broken Spire Keep, the DM should not use formal Morale rules here. These bandits have kidnapped and murdered many people and don't expect any mercy if they surrender. They fight to the death. One feature is worthy of note; all wear plain silver shield-shaped brooches on their right breast. These are of little value (5 gp each) save in area 19.

Tactical Notes, Upper Level

If one of the halflings escapes to warn the guards below, the fighters in areas 12 and 15 arrive to investigate with their leader (Ramor from area 20). This takes time. From the moment the halfling enters the shaft, it takes four rounds for the fighters from areas 12 and 15 to reach area 10. Ramor will follow, with the halfling, three rounds later. These fellows believe that they can deal with the PCs themselves. However, if the battle goes badly for them (that is, the PCs kill at least three of the seven - the two halflings, four fighters, and Ramor) then the survivors retreat towards area 20 to alert the priests. They will not then come back to the upper level to attack the PCs but will lurk on the lower level and attempt an ambush; see tactical notes at the end of the location key for the lower level for their plans. Of course. if the PCs kill the halflings before they can raise the alarm, then the foes on the lower level will receive no warning and not have any ambush ready.



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