Isle of the Black Dragon

As the party approaches the lake the DM should inform the player characters that they smell water. There is a 50% chance that the dragon is asleep on his island. Soon the party should reach a vantage point on a large rock, that will enable them to see area #28 through the branches and leaves of the trees.

The path comes to a clearing that forms a sandy beach area to the east of a small lake. In the center of the lake is a small island, approximately 40' x 30'. From your vantage point you can see the unmistakable form of a very large black dragon sitting among large chests, on a worthy pile of coins. Apart from this sandy clearing, the forest presses close to the water's edge all around the lake.

Vitriol is a bitter rival of Brulefer (see area #5 in the Mengul Mountains). He strongly resents what he feels is an arbitrary favoritism that allows Brulefer the control of the Mengul Pass, obviously a more exciting and important post. Instead, Vitriol, the destroyer of the Miru al Lothenar, has been given this remote area to keep, with no decent cave to occupy - a boring prospect.

The party can safely approach the creature if they wear the Dark Lancer garb. Vitriol will open a eyelid halfway, and ask, "Now what? Are you finally bringing the new orders?" Vitriol is expecting the message found during encounter #27.

If the party tries to hoodwink the dragon with false orders, they will have to explain why none are written (if the orders are verbal). If their explanations are logical, the characters have a 70% chance of convincing the dragon (the beast is bored and is looking for action). The party could pretend that the Shadow Lord ordered Vitriol to replace Brulefer in the pass. The creature will then pack 80% of the treasure in large chests (and his scroll) and take off to Brulefer's cave. If the two dragons meet, they will fight to death over their "assignments". The surviving one will stalk the party and attempt to destroy them as soon as possible.

If the party does not wear Dark Lancer uniforms, the dragon will immediately attack the party, using his breath weapon from the isle. Thereafter, the creature will use another breath weapon to its best effect. If the creature loses 40 hit points or more, it will take to the air and swoop down upon its targets.

The monster jealously guards 3,005 gp, 9,008 sp and 700 pp. Amongst this pile of coins is a chest with 1,200 gp worth of gems, and a scroll with a unique incantation.

When a magic-user reads the scroll, a magical sword will rise from the water just to the south of the isle. It will remain above the water for 5 rounds and then disappear - it must be secured before the end of five rounds. The incantation scroll disappears upon a full reading. This weapon is a sword +1, +3 vs. dragons.

Having killed the elf lord, the black dragon took the sword and with the Shadow Lord's help, submerged it in the murky waters of the lake.

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