
Night Below​ ​(Night Below Book 3, pg. 48) - a prisoner of the Aboleth, was released in the battle of Slave Block II. After being released from his domination he stole the glove of the wizard he was battling (Dave) and made off into the underdark to find his way to the surface. His intention: return to Appollonia and rejoin the College.​     Krelner is a 9th level wizard with the following profile: Str to, Dex IS, Con 15. Int 18, WIS 18, eha 10. He is 54 years old, with thinning gray hair and blue eyes; he stands 5' 9" tall. He is of neutral alignment and has 29 hit points (currently 21; he is hungry and tired). He has no equipment and no memorized spells remaining.


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