Lay On Hands

A priest (or Templar) can restore lost hit points to himself, another character, or a natural animal with the laying on hands ability. To use this ability, the paladin briefly presses both palms against the damaged character or creature - usually against the temple or chest, but any surface of the body will do. Touching the skin directly isn't necessary. The paladin may be gloved or the subject may be wearing clothing, so long as the paladin presses hard enough for the recipient to feel the pressure.

Laying on hands works automatically, restoring a number of hit points equal to twice the paladin's experience level. A paladin can use this ability only once per day, and only on a single character or creature. The following restrictions also apply:

  • The recipient can't recover more hit points than he normally has. If a 6th-level paladin lays hands on a character who's lost a total of 3 hit points, the character recovers exactly 3 hit points and no more. Though the paladin could theoretically restore 12 hit points, the excess are "lost" in this case.
  • The recipient must still be alive. Laying on hands can't bring dead characters back to life.
  • Laying on hands doesn't cure diseases. However, laying on hands may restore hit points lost to disease or poison. (Note that laying on hands doesn't negate poison or lengthen its onset time; the neutralize poison and slow poison spells cause these effects.)
  • If the paladin is unconscious or immobile, a companion can't pick up the paladin's hands and heal himself or anyone else. Laying on hands requires the paladin's willful participation.
  • Laying on hands won't work unless the paladin employs both hands at the same time. Before using this ability, he must sheath his sword, put down his bag, or take whatever other actions are necessary to free his hands. If he's disabled - for example, if he's lost an arm in an accident - he may petition the gods to allow him to heal with a single hand. Assuming the paladin has served honorably, the gods probably grant his request.

A reversed version of the power is sometimes available, where the priest lays on his hands and inflicts 2 points of damage per experience level, or 1 point of damage per level if the victim makes a saving throw. This is appropriate for Pestulites. A priest cannot have a healing Laying On of Hands that is also reversible to a harmful Laying On of Hands; it must be defined as either healing or harmful.


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