
Some psionicists can project a wave of deadly mental force that can destroy lesser intellects. The science of mindflame allows a psionicist to attack all creatures in the area of effect with a mental barrage that can incapacitate or even kill its victims. The area affected by the power is a cone 20 feet long and 5 feet wide, with its apex at the psionicist. Up to six victims in this area can be affected.

Victims who are psionicists can protect themselves against the effects of mindflame by throwing up a simple mind blank or other defense, but any creature that does not know a psionic defense mode can be affected. The effects vary with the victim’s level or Hit Dice:


Regardless of the effect, the victim is entitled to a saving throw versus death to avoid the effects of the mindflame. Creatures rendered comatose by the mindflame must make a second saving throw versus death or die at the end of their unconsciousness. Creatures rendered unconscious must make a second saving throw or lapse into a coma (without the risk of death).

Stunned creatures may not move, attack, initiate psionic powers, or cast spells, and suffer a –2 penalty to Armor Class. Dazed creatures may move at half normal speed, attack with a –2 penalty, and defend normally. They must make a successful saving throw versus spells to initiate a psionic power or cast a spell.

The effects of the mindflame can be corrected by Psychic Surgery, a Limited Wish, or a Cure Serious Wounds or more powerful healing spell.

Mindflame is exhausting to the psionicist; if invoked more than once in a day, the psionicist suffers a –4 penalty on his power cheek. It is also a very dark use of one’s inner strength, and psionicists who maim lesser intelligence will find their alignments moving toward evil.

PSP (Initial)
PSP (Ongoing)
​90 ft.​
Area of Effect
5’ x 20’ cone (up to 6 creatures) ​
8th level, psychic crush, synaptic static
Power Score
The effects are advanced one category, so creatures of 8+1 Hit Dice or more would be stunned instead of dazed, and so on. ​
Critical (20)


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