
Almost all humans have some potential with the Way, but very few people are fortunate enough to find a tutor for their mental powers. These untutored potentials are fated to go through life as wild talents, possessing only a fraction of the powers they would if they had studied. In Alcirya, learning and study for its own sake is often a luxury only the wealthy and the noble can afford. The noble Psion is a character who was enrolled in a rigorous training regime by her family when she was young. Like children of our own world who take piano lessons, most find the study of their own minds to be unpleasant work, but others stay with their tutors and develop into formidable psionicists. These nobles enjoy a powerful edge over their rivals and are some of the most clever and cunning of opponents. ​  
​The noble Psion is virtually a pariah among her peers. Her clear mind and self-discipline are virtues seldom found. Despite her distance from the social scene, she is still well-treated and respected by both her allies and her enemies. To her family, she is a valuable asset, a steel-bladed sword to be wielded against their rivals. In time, as the head of the family, she possesses the wisdom and the clarity of thought to bring the house even greater power and influence. As an adventurer, the noble Psion often has a challenging agenda mapped out for her by her family. Whether or not she follows that agenda is her own business. Until she actually assumes the mantle of leadership and the noble title, she is often free to pursue her own studies.
Distinctive Appearance
Special Benefits
​The noble Psion begins play with more money than a Psion without a kit. She also has a family, clan, or estate to support her. If she wishes, the noble Psion can live with her relations indefinitely, enjoying a life of ease and luxury. However, a noble Psion who lives off her family’s fortune will find that the family expects her full loyalty.
The noble Psion receives a +3 bonus on reaction checks with any member of her culture or society who recognizes her as a noble. Many of Alcirya’s lower classes have no love for nobility, but every citizen of a city-state has learned to respect it. A noble character in common clothes will not be recognized as a noble, no matter how many people she tells. ​  
Special Hindrances
As noted above, the noble psionicist must maintain appearances. She must always purchase the finest version of any clothing or gear she needs. This effectively raises the cost of any piece of equipment to 150%-200% of its listed cost.​
​The second hindrance of a noble psionicist applies only if she is living off her family and using their estate as her home base. Her relations are glad to have her around, and will often ask her for favors or support. At least once a week, the character will have to fulfill a family obligation; she may need to use her mental abilities against the house’s enemies, she may be asked to spy on another rival house, or she might even be “invited” to attend to the king as the house’s representative. ​
Attribute Requirements
Barred Beliefs
Race Requirement
Bonus Weapon Proficiencies
​Nobles enjoy access to excellent weapons training. Many are taught the basics of self-defense at an early age. The noble Psion receives a bonus weapon proficiency that can be used to learn unarmed combat. Recommended weapon proficiencies include any weapon generally associated with the nobility of the character’s home. ​​
Required Weapon Proficiencies
Recommended Weapon Proficiencies
Barred Weapon Proficiencies
Bonus Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Etiquette, Heraldry
​While a noble psionicist does not particularly enjoy the display of wealth, she also understands that appearances must be maintained. The Psion must pay 150-200% (d6+14 x 10%) the normal cost of any clothing or equipment she purchases in order to make it clear that she is a person of privilege. If the noble Psion cannot look the part, she will have a difficult time convincing NPCs that she is a noble.​
Wealth Options
​The noble Psion begins play with 3d4 × 90 gp. At the DM’s option, the character can also receive a stipend from her family equal to 10 gp per month per character level. ​
Homeland Terrain
Economic System
Recommended Discipline(s)
Telepaths and Clairsentients are greatly preferred for their information-gathering abilities. ​
Recommended Devotion(s)
Recommended Science(s)
Barred Discipline(s)


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