School of Alteration

A wizard who concentrates his effort in changing the world around him is called a Transmuter.

Acquired Powers


Spell Analysis

Alteration spells cause a change in the properties of some previously existing thing, creature, or condition. Pyrotechnics is an alteration spell, since it takes an existing fire and creates special effects from the blaze.

Spell List

1st Level
2nd Level
3rd Level
4th Level
5th Level
6th Level
7th Level
8th Level
9th Level

Specialist Name



House Publius


Philosophic Alliance

Appollonian Leadership Tier


Opposed School(s) School of Abjuration and School of Necromancy Leader Praetor Terentius Initial Funds (d4+1) x 10 gp Minimum Ability Scores Intelligence 9, Dexterity 15; Prime Req. Intelligence, Dexterity Race(s) Allowed Human, Stained


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