Slave Block I

The slaves kept in this tower complex (shown in Map 30.16) are used as menials for building work. They are well guarded. The entrance doors to the tower are locked and barred from the inside. Room 16a contains the guards and overseers of the slaves: an Illithid, two 4th/4th level Kuo-toa Whips, a Kuo-toa Lieutenant, and four 2 HD Kuo-toa. The three towers beyond (areas 16b, 16c, and 16d) are each two stories tall, with stairs leading up from the ground level to dormitories above (not mapped; they are simple 40-foot-diameter rooms with no exits bar the stairs). Each of these three tower complexes contains 8+d4 hill and mountain dwarves, 4+d2 gnomes, 6+d4 humans, and d2+2 Ogres. Slaves here all have high Strength (15+) and/or some proficiency or skill of value (Stonemasonry, etc.) which make them useful to city maintenance. None has skills which would make him or her a useful fighter. Alignments are 25% good, 70% neutral, 5% evil (except for the ogres, of course). None of these slaves is capable of fighting effectively to aid the PCs. They are all dominated, of course, but will not be used to defend the city if it is attacked.


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