Sunless Sea

The black waters of the Sunless Sea reach uncharted depths, and tunnels and side caverns connect its waters to distant regions of the The Deep. The surface of the sea is relatively calm, and never troubled by storms or tides. Mild winds blow from one end of the great cavern to another and "reefs" of stalagmites and cave-ins break up the surface. As far as the PCs are concerned, there are only four possible destinations: the Morwen outpost at the delta of the Svartjet at the western end of the sea, the Kuo-toan island-city in the center of the sea, the Kuo-toan shrine on the southern shore, and the Ghoul outpost on the northern shore.

Kingdom of the Ghouls

The Kuo-toan are only too happy to tell the PCs where the [Ghoul](species:d731bdeb-ade6-4050-801d-61fdfc7b5d31) coastal outpost is (area 18) and might even escort them there. In addition, they warn the PCs about the spying abilities of the Eyes of the King. If the PC speaking to the Kuo-toans makes a successful Charisma check, they join the expedition against the Ghouls. Add 48 HD to the party's makeshift army; the extra hit die values reflects the fishmen's immunity to the ghoul's paralysis.


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