Terrain: The Deep

The Deep encompasses all the tunnels, caves, and other areas that are below the surface of Alcirya.

Many hazards await the intrepid explorer who ventures in to the Deep. Certain natural hazards are represented on the maps accompanying this adventure (Night Below) by various icons; these are defined below. When such an icon occurs on the large-scale strategic maps (such as the ones on the inside front covers of each book), assume that the hazard is intermittently present throughout a one-mile area. For each eighth of a mile that the characters travel through such hazardous terrain, check for the hazard, with a 50% chance it is present.

Random Encounter Die Type
Frequency for Random Encounter Checks

Day: 1 every 6 hours

Night: 2 every 6 hours

Additional Encounter Information
Undead Plague: Due to the rise of Karza, any encounter has a 33% chance of being an Undead Encounter Variation (d6: 1 Zombie variant, 2 Ghoul variant, 3-4 Skeleton variant, 5 Mummy variant, 6 Ghost variant)


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