
Night Below​ ​A wizard in Thurmaster to whom the party delivered a chest of spell components. Jelenneth is his apprentice and he is concerned about her disappearance ​   7th-level Mage: AC 7 (Ring of Protection +3 MV 5 (due to age hp 18; THACO 18 (Strength penalty and dagger bonus cancel each other out #AT 1; Dmg d4+1 (dagger +2, Strength penalty SA spells; SD spells; SW paranoia; AL CG. Str 5, Dex 9, Con 9, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 13. Spells: Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Sleep; ESP, Invisibility, Web; Dispel Magic, Fireball; Detect Scrying.   Tauster is 74 years old. He is 5' 3" and very conscious of his lack of height. He is thin, but paunchy, and has little of his sandy-colored hair left. His light blue eyes are rather watery. He is sociable with people he trusts but distinctly suspicious of anyone he doesn't, and he is never entirely comfortable with intelligent company. Some years ago, Tauster got into the very blazes of an argument with his Guildmaster. The upshot was that Tauster was told in no uncertain terms to leave for somewhere very, very far away and never come back. The Guildmaster brandished a slug at him, telling him that this was the polymorphed form of another mage who hadn't run away quickly enough when the Guildmaster told him to. "I put just a little salt on him every day," the Guildmaster snarled. Tauster took this to heart and regards himself as retired. He wants a life of reading books and tomes, puttering about in his herb garden, and generally being inconspicuous. The spells given above are those he usually memorizes. However, he does hanker to let lose a few invocation/evocation spells every now and then just to let off steam. On these occasions, he hauls out his old spellbooks and indulges himself. Tauster's Flaming Spheres (he knows an interesting variant many colored variety), whistling fireballs, and colored walls of fire are a major feature of harvest time bonfires and celebrations in Thurmaster.


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