Temple Guard

Temple Guards are warrior/priests normally stationed in an Order’s temple. They have a good mix of abilities from both classes, and form the elite of a religion's warriors. ​  
A Temple Guard has a number of roles in a campaign. He guards the precincts of his temple, protecting its members from attack. He is the weapon instructor for priests of his Order, and it is his duty to train them in the use of the religion's chosen weapons. He may act as a representative of his religion and may rise in its hierarchy, like any other priest. His duties, however, are concerned with organizing defenses and outfitting and leading expeditions, rather than with religious services.
Distinctive Appearance
Temple Guards dress according to their Order, but always have a more martial appearance than other priests. They always carry a weapon and shield.
Special Benefits
​Any time the Temple Guard is fighting in defense of his temple or other holy place of his Order, he gains a +2 to attack and damage rolls and a +2 to his saving throws. ​
Special Hindrances
A Temple Guard is rarely a free agent and is usually given his orders by a High Priest. This may lead to long periods of temple duty, interspersed with special missions.
Attribute Requirements
Barred Beliefs
​Orders that de-emphasize combat.
Race Requirement
Recommended Weapon Proficiencies
He must be proficient in a weapon that is representative of his Order. ​
Bonus Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Alertness, Religion
After he has bought his weapons and holy symbol, a Temple Guard must buy the best armor he can afford. ​
Wealth Options
​Temple Guards start with 5d4x10 gp.


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