
Connected to:   Anth Barranas Lord Beldegar Virthalan Darcy Gloris Gordrenn Squire Marlon Count Sandior Parlfray Tauster Wesimar Wil the Smith  

The PCs should not have any random hostile encounters during their trip to Thurmaster. If they ask local farmers and journeymen along the way if they have seen Jelenneth Carman, no one admits to even a glimpse of her. The PCs should reach the village of Thurmaster without anything eventful happening.

A map of the village of Thurmaster appears on the back of DM Reference Card 2. This is a significantly smaller place than Milbourne and is given in less detail; only significant locations are described below in the Location Key. The DM should feel free to add sites and individualize additional NPCs here as he or she sees fit.

Thurmaster is a walled village of some 100 people. Approaching PCs will see a great many abandoned houses, now falling into ruin, lying outside the rickety wooden walls surrounding the vilIage. These walls were built some 40 years past as a defense against the then-marauding Lizardfolk of the Shrieken Mire. Led by a ferocious lizard king, the creatures killed scores of villagers and farmers - fully half the town's population - until Sandior Parlfray (Count) hired a band of powerful fighters to track down and kill their leader. Since this time, the lizard men have become much more reclusive and tend to flight if they see any humans or demi-humans; they clearly have memories of the battle when the fighters wiped out nearly a hundred of their number. Fishing, agriculture, harvesting of marsh reeds and hay, and light forestry on the margins of the Blessed Wood are the main source of income here. Alignments tend toward neutrality among the villagers, who also have something of a reputation (in Milbourne) for being none too bright.


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