Tower of Enchantments

This Tower is the most important of the four peripheral towers, because of the affinity of Enchantment/Charm with the Domination effect the Aboleth are seeking to enhance. Any Enchantment/Charm spell effects which are dispelled by PC spellcasters here are only held in abeyance for 1 round per level of the spellcaster. Invocation/Evocation magic does not function at all within this tower, outside Chamber 24d, save for priest spells cast by Savant Aboleth. Saving throws vs. Enchantment/Charm spells cast by Savant Aboleth are made with a -1 penalty here, as are saving throws against their Domination power.

The first three levels of this tower are flooded. The portal to the ground level (area 24a) is undecorated and bare. No glyphs or runes appear to demarcate it. Entry, however, triggers a pair of magical effects.

First, any PC entering the ground level is immediately affected by a Chaos spell. The second spell effect is Hold Person (no penalties to saving throw). The guardian of the tower base is a stone aboleth statue (Aboleth Stone Golem), which animates to attack intruders. It has all the abilities of a stone golem, plus some additional magical attacks.

The pool is also guarded by a Shaboath Golem, identical to the one in area 21a. Note that it cannot evoke its wall of ice power here.

The second tower level, Chamber 24b, is protected by two 12-HD Water Elementals, as the PCs may have come to expect by now. The third level, Chamber 24c, is the enchanting circle of a Savant Aboleth (12th level priest/14th level wizard), which has the same priest spell list as all its fellows (see area 21c).

The savant is so engrossed in its work that PCs gain a +2 bonus to surprise rolls, but the hemisphere of Enchantment/Charm energy here can be used by the savant to create fearsome magical effects in addition to its normal combat actions each round. The creature can draw power from this (draining 1 MFU each time it does so) to hurl a small sphere of magical force at one target per round within this chamber. An attack roll is needed for success. A target so struck is affected by one of the following effects (roll d4, saving throw vs, spell to negate): Confusion, Domination, Fear, Feeblemind. Worse still, on a successful attack roll of 18+, the small sphere fragments into a whirling vortex of smaller spheres which fly in all directions, so that any other creature within 10 feet of the victim is subject to attack (another attack roll needed). If struck by the smaller sphere of force, the secondary targets are subject to the same magical attack as the primary target but gain a +2 bonus to their saving throws.

The PCs have to defeat or drive off the savant to access the top of the tower (area 24d), which has the usual globe of magical energy atop it. This has 60 MFUs initially. MFUs are drained by casting Invocation/Evocation spells at the globe. Each spell level of an Invocation/Evocation spell drains one MFU, with zero-range/self-affecting Invocation/Evocation spells requiring that the spellcaster touch the sphere, inflicting 2d10 hp of damage on the spellcaster. No other spells have any effect. However, any strike from a weapon instantly drains all magical pluses from that weapon and restores 1 MFU to the sphere (its maximum MFU total is 60).


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