Tower of Necromancy

The archway portal to this tower has a Glyph of Enfeeblement inside the doorway and a horrid complex master glyph (a Glyph of the Law and Glyph of Vampiric Touch) in addition. The latter glyph affects all non-Aboleth who pass the threshold, causing them to lose one life energy level while inside the tower (saving throw vs. spell negates, the lost level returns 3 turns after the victim exits the tower). Victims also lose d12 hit points as if touched by a gray, shadowy, chill aboleth tentacle (saving throw for half damage). Note that Illusion/Phantasm spells do not function at all within this tower except in area 22d, or if cast as Aboleth priest spells. Saving throws against Necromancy spells cast by Savant Aboleth here are made with a -1 penalty. There appear to be no defenders at the portal, but if the PCs approach within 10 feet a pair of fomorian giant skeletons, their clawed hands aglow with black magical energy, rise up from the pool (area 20) to attack. These giants are only 50% likely to be detectable beforehand with True Seeing and impossible to detect otherwise.

Chamber 22a has only one defender - but a truly terrible one. The Bone Golem here has been crafted from the remains of sacrificed spellcasters, so its component parts are all human and demihuman. It appears to be merely a mound of bones on the tower floor until the PCs enter the tower, whereupon it attacks at once.

As before, the lower three levels of the tower are flooded. The water inside this lower is brackish and foul, and saturated with magical darkness. A Light spell illuminates only a 1-foot radius in this water and Continual Light only a 5-foot radius. Chamber 22b is defended by two 12 HD Water Elemental. A singular Savant Aboleth lurks in chamber 22c. This creature has the powers of a 12th level priest/14th level wizard, but it exists in a state of virtual undeath. hovering between life and undeath. It cannot be Turned. It is not subject to the usual restrictions concerning necromantic spell use by savants. It is immune to charm, sleep, hold, and fear spells, and suffers minimum damage from caused wounds (for example, cure light wounds would inflict a single point of damage) and cold-based spells. It has the same Priest spells as the savant in area 21c. This creature has an XP value of 16,000.

At the core of this chamber is a hemispherical area of pure necromantic energy (very similar in appearance to the one in area 21c). The Aboleth can use the energy here to summon undead to fight for it, draining one point of MFU from the sphere in area 22d each time it does so. It can do this once per round in addition to any other action. Roll d6 to determine the nature and number of undead so summoned:

If a Wight or Wraith appears. 2 MFUs are drained rather than only one. All Turn Undead attempts here are as if the priest or paladin were four levels lower than his or her usual level of ability. If the savant is defeated, access can be gained to area 22d (until then, an unseen barrier prevents this as per area 21d). The upper tower level has the same impenetrable darkness as the Tower of Alteration had in the corresponding area, with a similar sphere of pure necromantic magical energy below the ceiling. MFUs can only be drained from this sphere by casting Illusion/Phantasm spells directly into it, with each spell level so cast draining one MFU. Self-affecting spells can be cast into the sphere by touching it, which inflicts 2d10 hp of damage on the spellcaster (no saving throw). Non-illusion/phantasm spells and weapon strikes are treated exactly as per area 21d.


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