
The tribes of the Sebaste are a loose-knit Federation of arboreal peoples each independanlty governed, often in a tribal fashion (through a powerful family).

Typically, the tribes build and maintain skywalk villages designed to thwart the dangers of the Sebaste and to conceal them from their constant aggressors, the Appollonians. The borders of the Sebaste are in constant flux; Appollonian raids and their rebuff have been known since the tribes gained their independace from Appollonia over a thousand years ago.

The people of the Sebaste hold their honor and tenacity in high regard. Not only do they live in, arguably, the most dangerous locale in Alcirya, legendarily, they are responsible for the freedom of all the tribes that rebelled against Appollonia. During the Wars of Succession, the ancestors of the current tribes volunteered to remain in the Sebaste as wardens of Appollonia's aggression so the other tribes could settle in peace.Thus, their lineage is a warrior's lineage steeped in guerrilla action and sudden, violent loss.

The Baste tell the tail of their tales of their ancestors through decorative tattoos that adorn their skin. As a Bastic child matures, Bastic Priestesses carve "Blood Lines" into their skin. The Priestesses say that through the tattoos truth is found, though the truth is no one can speak or read the language of the tattoos. The priestesses claim that the stories of the ancestors flow through them and into the skin art, guided by Balera.

The peoples of Sebaste primarily worship Balera, though as often they follow the teachings of Tsu-Tao. Though it is often denied, many worship both as they recognize the strenght of Balera and the fruits of the Sebaste Forest that sustain them brought forth by Tsu-Tao.

  Band - Thegn Tribe - Ealdorman King’s Thegn—a Bastic leader elevated by external influence. Usually the governor of a city or claimed territory.

Death first, Life Second

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Bastic Federation
Controlled Territories


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