Bards College of Grutza

Located in Grutza - a very religious area. patron god is Otokoa , the god of ritual and ceremony and magic, monk college, bard college, wizard college, economy is based on getting all the colleges to work for basically free. they do not like people who are not alum. the city is controlled by a congress of deans who elected an arch dean to rule the city. they rule in tandem, technically but never in function, with the high priest of Otokoa. adventuring partys in the style of greek frats are common. the teachers and admins benefit form the students hard work. grad students struggle mightily to close the gap. sometimes very poor servants are brought in.     The College is lead by a Dean, and an Vice Dean, who are both retired, but but widely renowned. The Dean was a Loreist, and the Vice was a Singer.   Their vault includes, Fochlucan Bandore, Mac-Fuirmidh Cittern, Ollamh Harp, Iron Flask, Anstruth Harp, Canaith Mandolin, Cli Lyre, Helm of Brilliance, Rope of Entanglement, Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals.
Educational, University


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