
a very religious area. patron god is Otokoa , the god of ritual and ceremony and magic, monk college, bard college, wizard college, economy is based on getting all the colleges to work for basically free. they do not like people who are not alum. the city is controlled by a congress of deans who elected an arch dean to rule the city. they rule in tandem, technically but never in function, with the high priest of Otokoa. adventuring party's in the style of greek frats are common. the teachers and admins benefit form the students hard work. grad students struggle mightily to close the gap. sometimes very poor servants are brought in.


Almost half are human, and the city has a larger elf population than anywhere in Uzta, the city is overall very diverse.


The King rules with the advise of a Regent, who acts as an appointed governor. They both council with a group of administrators, as well as with the heads of the schools and major organizations and church's.   The City has a strict citizenship requirement.   You must be born of two citizens within the city to be born a citizen. If you are born of two citizens outside the city but graduate within the city you can become a citizen after either ten years of taxes or a grand heroic act as named by the Kingdom of Grutza  If you are born of one citizen and graduate within the city you can become a citizen after ten years of paying taxes If you graduate within the city and then pay taxes for fifteen years you can become a citizen. If you are given a honorary graduate and then pay taxes for twenty years you can become a citizen.


A massive wall surrounds the city and various gates act as choke points.

Industry & Trade

The City imports a lot of raw materials, but exports lots of find goods, including being the primary source of most magical items in Aldatu.


The city is known for its civil infrastructure, its many parks and irrigated gardens.


Each College has a different feel and district.   The College of the Lord Otokoa and the Order of His Holy Truth 's building and campus is built on the second highest hill of the city, the first highest being home of the royal palace. It has many cheap quarters and a handful of known bars serving monastery wines and meads.    The Mages College of Grutza Has a dense city quarter near campus filled with smaller apartments for alum, many which run small shops of tomes, books or components.   The Bards College of Grutza supports a whole district of theatres, bars, and stages.

Guilds and Factions

In addition to the colleges, there are sub guilds for certain trades and skills, but all are alum of the colleges.


The city started around the monastery but soon after colleges formed around it. It became a home to much fo the youth, and those many souls who stays into their adulthood. The local royalty adopted the traditions and allowed a power sharing to happen.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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