Forge of Zortgelia


  A building on the Campus at College for Adventurers at Minos Point .   Appears in CAMP  

Known History 

    Was a frequent hang out of Aphro during CAMP Year One .    


  The Forge of Zortgelia, dedicated to the god of the forge and luck, is an industrial hub of creativity and craftsmanship at the College for Adventurers at Minos Point. True to Zortgelia’s dual nature as the god of both crafting and fortune, the forge is a place where hard work meets unexpected inspiration, and where students of various crafts come to hone their skills.
The building itself is simple and utilitarian, made from stone and reinforced with metal beams, reflecting the practical needs of the various artisans who work inside. Large chimneys rise from the roof, constantly emitting gentle plumes of smoke from the forges and kilns that burn within. The sound of hammering metal, the hum of sewing machines, and the quiet concentration of jewelers all fill the air, creating a rhythmic symphony of craftsmanship.
  Inside, the Forge of Zortgelia is divided into various workstations, each designed to cater to different types of craftwork. On one side, rows of anvils and smelting furnaces are used by student blacksmiths, who forge weapons, armor, and tools. The glow of molten metal illuminates their faces as they shape steel under the guidance of master smiths. Nearby, jewelry makers sit at specialized tables with fine tools and magnifying glasses, crafting delicate rings, necklaces, and enchanted trinkets with steady hands.
  In another corner of the forge, sewists and leatherworkers can be found at sturdy workbenches, surrounded by bolts of fabric, leather, and thread. They meticulously craft garments, tents, and equipment that adventurers will wear and use in the field. Each station is equipped with all the tools necessary for its respective craft, from looms to sewing machines to leather punches.
  The air inside the forge is warm, filled with the scent of metal, leather, and wood, but the atmosphere is one of focused determination. Despite its industrial appearance, there is a certain magic to the place—perhaps a subtle blessing from Zortgelia, ensuring that those who work hard and take risks might be rewarded with a stroke of luck in their craft.
  The Forge of Zortgelia is an essential part of the college’s community, where students can take the raw materials of their trade and transform them into something greater, whether it’s a masterfully forged sword, an intricate piece of jewelry, or a beautifully sewn cloak. It stands as a testament to both the power of creation and the unpredictable nature of luck.


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