College for Adventurers at Minos Point


A school for young adventurers who want to become tomorrows heroes!   The campus sits on a high peninsula that provides it natural defense, to the north it does have a wall that protects its single landed side. A few miles away sits the town of Bliznia   The campus has many buildings, including dorms for students, a library, temple, forge, an arena and a field, and many halls for classes.   Students tend to be between human age equivalent of 13-20, and separated into Four Years, though some must take a fifth year in certain circumstances.   As of CAMP Year Three The current Headmaster is Nataal Sairoisi   Her current Vice Principal is Unknown   Course Options for First Year Students include, Battle Tactics 101, Investigation 101, Weapons Training, Survival 101, Dragons 101, History 101, Magical Beasts 101, Magical Items 101, Religious Studies 101, Extra Planar Theory, Channel Divinity Piety, Conjuration 101, Abjuration 101, Evocation 101, and Enchantment 101. They can also join any sports team, including Battleball, Archerball, Acrobatics or Strategyfield.    

Current Staff (as of Year Three)


Former Staff(As of Year Three)



  The Campus of the College includes      

Known History

    Six years before CAMP Year One Nataal Sairoisi is killed on campus by Bhumi Kaowtor , it is covered up by many, including Stellio Copperfield , Ulrich Atzetari and Alvis Sifuentes . The mystery would go unsolved for six years.   After the Headmaster of CAMP 's death, Stellio Copperfield replaces her. As of CAMP Year One he is still the Headmaster and Alvis Sifuentes is his vice principal. When East Bliznia High is closed, many of those students end up at the school thanks to a fundraising campaign.
The unraveling of the myster of the murder causes major shake ups and in the end Percival Bloom is named Headmaster, and Alton Longbranch is selected as Vice, CAMP Board of Governors is put in place to keep the school in check, supposedly to "keep the students safe" but ultimately it was a step towards Percys plan of taking over Bliznia .   During CAMP Year Two , the school is put in lockdown, and many students get expelled. The sports seasons are also canceled. Very early into the year the students are manipulated into a variety of situations that result in the Bliznian Civil War .   By the end of the year, Nataal Sairoisi is Headmaster again, and Bliznia is at peace.    

Campus Discription Summery

  The campus of the College for Adventurers at Minos Point is a vibrant and sprawling collection of buildings, all connected by the heart of the campus: a large, open quad. This central quad is a peaceful and natural space, designed to foster both relaxation and reflection. It is dotted with towering trees, their leaves providing shade to students who often gather on the grassy areas to study, socialize, or simply unwind between classes.
Crisscrossing through the quad are winding stone paths that lead outward in all directions, connecting the various buildings of the college. These paths are well-worn from the constant movement of students and faculty, creating a sense of life and activity. Along the paths, small magical lanterns illuminate the way in the evening, casting a gentle glow that enhances the tranquility of the space.
  Directly to the north of the quad stands the Westwood Administration Building, a stately and functional structure, housing the college's offices and the private investigator, Perry Woolworth. The building’s marble pillars and brick exterior make it a focal point on the northern edge, symbolizing the administrative core of the campus.
  To the south, deep into the surrounding woods, lies a much more mysterious and significant location: the portal to Bliznia. Hidden beyond the edges of the quad, this portal serves as a gateway to the distant land of Bliznia, a place rich with history and intrigue. Though it is not visible from the quad itself, the path leading south eventually disappears into the dense forest, known only to those who seek it out.
  The quad serves as the literal and symbolic center of the college, where the bustle of daily life converges and branches out to all corners of the campus, including its more secretive and magical parts. It is a place where adventurers cross paths, where ideas are exchanged, and where the students find balance between their academic pursuits and their journeys into the unknown.
Educational, School/Academy


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