Irie Eltoris

Early Life Oldest daughter of three daughters and one son to noble parents. She was treated as the predecessor and favored by father for her early years, but she also studied and trained hard. She knew that since she would inherit the lands and wealth, that she did her best to support her sisters in their more frivolous ventures and essentially lost a lot of herself.   When she was somewhere between 14-18, her baby brother was born. Her father changed overnight. He pushed her out of the sword fighting, battle tactics, and other “masculine” educations, and in to more “feminine” education, like seamstress classes and etiquette. She felt betrayed, and confused. It came to a head after about three years, of Irie simmering. She sat at dinner beside her father, when he decided her brother would now join them at the table, and asked her to move her seat down. When she saw her brother sitting there, she slammed her hands on the table and asked why he was doing this to her. He told her “Quiet your words, sit there and be pretty.”   She stormed off, and a rage inside her built and, once she returned to her bedroom, she began to pull paintings and curtains off the wall, broke the chair and her bedposts, tossed her books about the room. One of those tosses, knocked her lantern off the wall, which hit her desk and ignited the parchments in her hands, which caught on to her and fell in front of her face, singing her skin.   She didn’t recall much until she woke up in a different room, cloth bandages about her face. Her handmaidens looked at her mournfully, and she rushed to the mirror, and saw scars along her hands and across the side of her face. Any beauty she had was gone, and she fell in to a depression.   A depression so deep that one night, she attempted to end her life by ingesting a large amount of torpor. She laid in her bed, waiting to pass, when her window blew open and the moon shone though. The breeze continued around her until a voice whispered to her. That she could have all of the power and land she wanted, for such a small price. She could maintain her beauty on the surface, and hold her wits in her heart.   That is how the Queen of Air and Darkness became her patron, and she harnessed the power of a Warlock.   She left the following day.   Becoming a Warlock Went to Laban . Trained under a brothel owner who was previously one of the most powerful warlocks, but was publicly shamed by a noble, and has now settled here. Dated Prince of Laban Sinclair Westwood    Used her minor illusion to hide her scar and create more allure. Took jobs infiltrating courts and seducing the right men, but only to the extent necessary to achieve her goals.   Handled small missions for her patron, until being introduced to the Cult following her patron   The leader turned her in to one of his close people, and was clearly in love with her. She did not reciprocate, but also did not turn him away.
Slate Gray, squinty, suspicious
Blue, shoulder length, small braids mixed in
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Gray, freckles
125 lbs


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