
Laban - an outlaw town patron is Etsipena , a god of thieves, a safe haven for all types, welcoming to new comers, a quarter for true rejects, a quarter for religious rejects. many ways in and out of town, built to be unassailable by building both up and down.   The Throne Room is the HQ for Prince of Laban and The Wandering Lost .   The Ratfull Dodgers is another large gang that lives in the Ratways.   The Slash and Dash - a bar that is a home away from home for many fighters and barbarians.   E & E's - a bar that is home to many clerics and warlocks. Eromena herself is known to pop in on occasion.   The Dirty Scoundrel - a bar whos keep used to be a big time rouge, and has many legends around him.   The Golden Ear - the blind barkeep hears evverything said in the bar, and is willing to spill the beans for enough gold.


No official demographics are collected. It seems that humans are slightly more common, but it is very diverse.


The Prince of Laban rules with a court of captains who keep the peace, but not much of it.

Industry & Trade

The city does not produce much, though there is a farmer class producing food and smiths and other armorers. They do have a thriving market of mostly stolen and looted goods.


Poor maintenance has lead to crumbling infrastructure, but there are still a few people trying to privatize the resources.

Guilds and Factions

Various gangs and adventuring parties make a home here.


Long ago the King of Laban was killed by his personal guards, one of whom declared "There shall never be a King over Laban again." His strong hand guided the city through the transition and he becomes known as The Prince of Laban . The Title is now contested through battle. 
In the long centuries since the city moves from one gang control to another and has continued to be a haven of degerancy.

Points of interest

The Throne Room is a club where the Prince of Laban hangs out and where he can be challenged.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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