

  Goddess of Illusion,    Child of Deidolo  and Erri   


  Kea, the Goddess of Illusion, is the clever and enigmatic daughter of Deidolo , the god of thieves, and Erri , the goddess of performance. Born with an innate talent for deception and artistry, Kea excels as both a master illusionist and a natural actor. She seamlessly blends her parents' traits, creating illusions so convincing that even the gods themselves can be fooled.
Kea delights in trickery, using her illusions to manipulate reality and bend perception, often turning even the most serious situations into theatrical displays. Her followers, especially actors, con artists, and illusionists, revere her for her unmatched skill in deception and her ability to captivate audiences with false realities. Though mischievous, Kea values the artistry of her craft, weaving illusions not only to deceive but to inspire awe and wonder. As the goddess of illusion, Kea ensures that the line between truth and fantasy is ever-blurred, keeping the world guessing at what is real.    

Piety Myths 

  Slight of Hand - Kea loves to spend time working as a street magician, fooling crowds with simple tricks. ((Once per day you can add +5 to a slieght of hand roll))   Mask of Shadow - Kea wears many masks, and loves to fool mortals. ((Once per day you may cast Disguise self))   Divine Lies - Kea is a comfortable liar ((advantage on all deception checks))   Overnight Illusion - Kea often enters the minds of those he seeks to deceive, and plays with their dreams ((Once Per day you may cast Dream))   Play the Part - Kea can play any part, and live any life ((Once per day you can add +5 to a proformance check))


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