

The God of Trickery in Minos .   On the Pantheon of Minos    Born Denzasta Wilson III   Brother of Galil , orginally Galil Wilson .   Son of Denzasta Wilson Jr. .   A member of the Wilson Divine Family .   Took over Hell during the The Heist of Hell . Later gave it up.   Sided against Iris during the Divine Coup .   Father of Erri .   Sometimes lover of Eromena {New God} .      

Original Origin Notes

  Denzel in the life prior to the events of Aldatu lived a rather simple life with his father who he didn't know was from another world. His father always teased and played tricks on him for most of his young life and these tricks passed on to him and became a force of habit. From a young age of 9 Denzel would take a pen from his classmates backpack and put it in his locker before every class period and the classmate would think he had his pen and would be gaslit by Denzel and the support of his friends that he left it in his locker. Until eventually to "prove them wrong" would look into the locker just to find the pen sitting there in plain view. This would lead to that kid losing his mind and having a psychotic break by the 4th week of this happening everyday 6-8 times a day. These escapades will continue into his adult life with law enforcement and at his first job as a teen. Denzel at 14 stole the neighbors car whom was abusing his wife and drove it down to the slums of the city and had it abused by many people, smoke in it, drink, sex etc... then he brought it back to the house and reported the man to the police which lead to him being arrested and divorcing his wife for the shame he felt. The wife was saved and able to live a happy life marrying another man who treated her well. This lead to Denzel discovering a more "honorable/morally" driven way to use his skills to trick people for good. Prior to being teleported to Aldatu Denzel tricked his father he was leaving for college and when it   turns out he was taken to Aldatu by the summoning of Galil. All these things tie into the yern for trickery and thievery of the morally and honorable wrong to punish them for their deeds. This made apparent in Aldatu with the robbery of the foul mouthed Alexander where he abused his power and wealth to rule with an iron fist. Or the robbery (In the steele city) I dont exactly remember what he did but he was a dick i remember that...   Anyways then the high elves that was like a robin hood moment they acted like snobby prep ass holes so they got their shit ran...   The beleif of Deidolo is that tricking those who deserve it is smiled upon, stealing from the rich especially the snobby/snarky rich who are asshats is smiled upon. Stealing from hard working people rich or poor is not tolerated and highly frowned upon. With the exception that the item they possess will be used for a "greater good" this can only be decided by the god himself Deidolo. His approval or disapproval will be made known prior to the character/persons choice. Deidolo frowns upon those who decieve/trick/steal for purely self indulgement/personal gain. Aswell as frowned upon if tricking/stealing/decieving leads to the purposeful downfall of a good person.   Overall Deidolo is a relatively neutrally good god where some actins may be "overlooked" for the betterment of others who need it for the downfall/stipen of those who deserve it....  

Orginal History Notes

  Once ascended he helped defeat Besar   He was the driver behind the The Heist of Hell   A major champion currenty is Hyria Valeriana    

Piety Myths 

  Words of Wisdom - Deidolo had many father figures in his life, and he would always listen. (+5 on one wisdom roll per day)   Connection Between Worlds - Deodolo has a understanding of the multiverse, and can tap into it for luck, and understanding === (One luck die per day)   The Market Pick Pocket - Deidolo could walk through a market and leave with a cart of goods. Once he stole even a magical mirror. (+2 on any slight of hand roll made to pick pocket)   The Forged Realm - Deidolo tricked the gods into making him the god of trickery, he was only set to become the god of thieves, but he interrupted and interjected until Zania misspoke, with divine authority. (+1 Charisma)   Five Strike Take Down - Deidolo was a master assassin when needed, and was known for his incredibly quick strikes. (Once Per Day, when using two weapon fighting, you may strike five times instead of two.)




Towards Erri



Towards Deidolo

Erri (spouse)


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