
He was imprisoned by a cult of chaos and thought dead by all those who knew him. Years pass and he finally escapes with the help of Alistair in return for dedicating his life to balance and order.   After being released on the way home to see what happened to my family. Storm happens before I can. The storm is right after being released   He was a peaceful warrior.     ----   He was a warrior who fought in various local conflicts, including a many year on and off campaign against Leonin warlords who have become little more than raiders in the lands north of the mountains. One day he is on a scout and is captured by a cult of chaos who tortures him. he is captured, sometimes forced to fight for entertainment, and sometimes used to hunt large animals for the cultists. Finally, after weighing that his life was good, and though now his way is bad, he accepts that this is the change, and that somehow, this feels balanced. With this he says a prayer in goes to sleep. He wakes to his shackles being open, his belly full, and his wounds healed, he sees the image of a shining knight, and then he runs, and he runs, and he runs. He reaches port, and offers his hands to a ship so he can get back home, after many days he gets on a ship but two days in, they are caught in a storm and washes up on the coast of the starting island   Patron God is Cosmos


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