Born Alistair the Righteous, an aasimer. Sponsered Mercator 's ascenstion to the Pantheon of Minos . During the The Heist of Hell he sides with Iris and against Deidolo During the Divine Coup he sided against Iris .Appearance
He wears bright plate armor that somtimes appears to to burn, both on the outside, and within.Known History
Ascended during Myths of Aldatu . Helps captured Besar during the Second Battle of Burdina .Signed the Treaty of the New Gods
Helped create the Paradox of Baz during Legacy of Eltoris.
Appeared in CAMP Year Two just before the deaths of Ulrich Atzetari and Thomas Bareak .
Piety Myths
Once a Friend - Cosmos kills a man he considered his friend after that man Lu'kan betrayed him and got him exiled, but worst of all, cause him to betray his value of balance. The revenge was justice, and brought Cosmos back to a path of balance. === (When fighting a former friend, all rolls have advantage) The Fallen Angel - Betrayed by a friend, he slaughters innocents in the celestial plane, and is cast down to earth for his crime. === (+1 to Religion Checks) The Head of Order - Cosmos lead a powerful order of paladins in Uzta, bringing order and balance to all. ===(+1 CHR) The Last Paladin - After the Conquest of Uzta by Besar, Cosmos stands as the last paladin. He travels with the Myths and the Legends and brings balance to the world by ascending as the new Gods, and by capturing and imprisoning Besar ===(+1 STR and +1 Religion checks) Justice - A firey sword brings its namesake to its target. Cosmos himself used it, but in the centuries since, so have his champions. ===(Once per day you may add 3 dice of fire damage to a single bladed weapon attack)Patron of