Legends Six

General Summary

Brock Louis Tarring Claude Denzasta Wilson III    Accompanied by Moz Kortuta and Gaiseric possessing Galil    The Party go to Fistflaw Gold and Silver, a small jewelerys shop accompanied by Harry Johnson Erbis Lastshield and Poduf Dusk .   Inside they meet the owner, Mendel Fistflaw, but they can not afford any of the rings, Mendel asks Ebris and the rouges to leave, and then tells the group about a vault where they can steal some stuff, including some rings that he wants for his collection.   They party agrees and heads downtown and into the sewers. As they walk through they learn that they were in a temple of Herdokoa and Etsipena a temple to their love.   They wander around in the dark for a bit before wandering into a floating, swirling pillar of urine.
Report Date
25 Aug 2022


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