Moz Kortuta

A Cleric of Eromena 
  Half elf, sells drugs, and is a rouges rouge.
  He was orphaned and lived in Alea .
  When the The War of the Copper Prince broke out he left with a group to join the fighting and make a fortune. He is not a great fighter, so he trys to be sneaky. On the road on the way to a battlefield they are met by a traveling Cleric of Eromena, Ruby Sizel She initiates Moz into the order and leaves her contact a pair of sending stones. 
  During the war his group dies around him and he ends up being recruited into a special ops team where he makes a high level kill, and which  sends him into a deep addiction afterward. the Operation happened, innocents died.
  Moz is haunted by this.
  As the war ended Moz meets Eromena, and they commune.
  Moz embraced Eromena as his patron and moves further in her name. He can no longer be poisoned.
  In the years after the war he has traveled, drinking, parting and generally avoiding life.
  In his travels he has picked up some good loot, including his main weapons, a pair of daggers, one with fire, and one with ice. 
  He carries a small buckler that helps block and evade.
  He has a sexual relationship with a member of the royal family of burdina.


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