Levon Eesa


On the Minoan Senators - Archerball Team The Archerball team of College of Adventurers at Minos Point     Team During CAMP Season One   Kirabo Nedelka - Senior - 1st Base - Wood Elf,wizard, He is currently researching a magical artifact and plans to go find it when he graduates,
    Sadiq Hawa - Senior - 2nd Base - Human, fighter - brown skin, starting to grow a bit of a beard, is a guitar player/singer and has a band, "Hawa and the HighWaymen" hating Carmen   Levon Eesa - Senior - 3rd Base - Half High Elf Half Human, sorceror, hates Zek, the racist high elf   Carmen Paula - Senior - Left Field - Human, monk - female, very tom boy, gay   Gülay Drita - Junior - Home Base - Leonin, ranger - female, dating Sadiq   Lydos Miroslava - Junior - Right Field - Triton, fighter   Bojana Karme - Sorphomore Switch - Earth Genasi, barbarian  

Known History

  Got into several fights over the years with Zek Phorian but eventually let the fued go cold. Left town after Graduation.


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