Library of Kienna

Once the largest library accessable to the material plane it was maintained by Kienna . It was her dragon's hoard.     It was destroyed when Kienna was turned into a DracoLich during the The Heist of Hell .   Many of the books were moved to Library of TOGA .   The largest omission was the total lack of books on necromancy.     THe building itself was built with huge expectations, but nothing could imagine how huge Kienna herself would grow. Towards the end of her mortal life she could not move even amoungst the largest halls.   Smaller studies and wings break off from a large cross shaped main hall. Many stories tall with walkways every two stories, and rolling ladders to reach the tallest of shelves.   CAMP Had a field trip here where before they arrived Joe Rossi had them solve a series of riddles, later it would be CAMP students that killed her, when Theo Atzetari killed Kienna and turned her into a dracolich, resulting in her leaving, destroying much of the structure in the process. Afterwards agents of TOGA attempted to limit looting and move the contents of the library offsite.


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