

Kienna is the Draco-lich Queen of Hell    She used to be the Dragon Keeper of the Great Library of Kienna  , but Theo Atzetari stabed her with a magical dagger given to him by Eromena {New God} . which allowed her to die and become a draco-lich, her ultimate goal.   Once finally a Dracolich Kienna went to hell and kicked Deidolo 's ass, taking hell back from the upsurper, who claimed power during The Heist of Hell    She is has secured her power in Hell and now rules with both fear and admiration.  

Known History

  DUring CAMP Year One she is introduced as the kepper of the Library of Kienna . She is huge, and powerful and obsessed with learning about becoming a draco lich.  Towards the end of the year she is killed, just after the The Heist of Hell which leads to her taking over Hell and becoming the top Arch Devil. 
During CAMP Year Two she swoops in at Theo Atzetari ;s request and kills Midas Narkissos and Baalzebul allowing Cila Colkyre and later Mr Light to claim the throne of the the 8th circle of Hell.


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