
Yes, I'm an adult.
— Matthew


Matthew has red hair, blue eyes, he is kinda thin looking, he stands at 5'3"   Backstory
In the realm of shadows and secrets, Matthew's tale begins with tragedy. Orphaned at a young age under mysterious circumstances, he was taken in by the clandestine rogue guild known as Black Crest. This secretive group, with their origins lost to time, has long delved into the forbidden arts of artifact hunting, seeking relics of power that hold sway over both the living and the dead. Raised within the folds of Black Crest's ancient traditions, Matthew learned the art of stealth, deception, and the unyielding pursuit of artifacts that could turn the tides of fate. The clan, led by enigmatic figures who whisper of dealings with Chrissy, the blood god rumored to grant immense power to those who appease him, became his only family.   Within Black Crest, Matthew found his "siblings" – fellow orphans and lost souls taken in like him, bonded not by blood but by shared destinies woven in the dark tapestry of their existence. Together, they honed their skills in thievery, sabotage, and dark magic, guided by the clan's insatiable hunger for relics that could tip the balance of power in their favor.   Yet, Matthew harbors a secret. Amidst the shadows of his life, he seeks not only artifacts but answers – clues to his own obscured past, the truth behind his parents' fate, and the mysterious connection between Black Crest and Chrissy. Each artifact he retrieves brings him closer to the elusive truths that have eluded him since childhood, but also deeper into the dangerous web of intrigue and power struggles that define his world.   As Matthew navigates the treacherous path laid out by his rogue guild and the enigmatic blood god they serve, he must grapple with his own identity and the moral complexities of his actions. For in the pursuit of power and knowledge, he risks losing not only his humanity but the very essence of who he is – a haunted soul driven by a quest for belonging and the elusive light that may yet pierce through the darkness of his past.  


Everyone Else in Halison
currently pissed at everyone for getting blocked from what was going to happen in the closet with the Princess and the Goddess

During the Campaign

So far he's helped steal things and even swooned a Princess

Legacy of Halison
Played By
Panda (Redpanda112200)

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