

Pséma - Trickery

Patron God is Deidolo     An island of majority dark skinned humans. They are a skilled and prideful people, known for unique embroidery and martial arts. They are known to be skilled merchants, and skilled rouges. They are known to be extremely smart.   A small but wealthy subset of dark Leomin also live on the island, serving as muscle when needed.   They are known for their bi-yearly games where many face off in various challenges.  

Known History

  It appears in the Halison Orphanage when the orphans arrive and end up being there when a large number of magical creatures escape. They fight for their survival and end with an audiance with the King, Clarence Pango .   


  Psema is a vibrant island inhabited predominantly by dark-skinned humans who are renowned for their skills in both martial arts and trade. The people of Psema take great pride in their unique embroidery, which has become a symbol of their cultural identity and a valuable export. Their intelligence and cunning are well-known, making them exceptional merchants and rogues who navigate the complexities of trade and diplomacy with ease.
The island also boasts a small but influential population of dark-skinned Leonin, who are highly respected for their physical prowess. This subset of Leonin often serves as muscle when needed, providing strength and protection to the island's people and interests.
  One of Psema’s most celebrated traditions is its bi-yearly games, where citizens and visitors alike participate in a variety of challenges that test skill, strength, and intelligence. These games are a major event on the island, drawing competitors and spectators from across the region and further enhancing Psema’s reputation for excellence in both physical and intellectual pursuits.    

People Notes:

  Black Rabbits = Rapeti Pango Yellow Lions = Raiona Kowhai Blue Sharks = Mango Puru Green Turtles = Honu Kakariki Red Hawks = Kahu Whero White Wolves = Wuruhi Ma     The King is always elected from amounst the second sons of the six tribes, while the first sons inherit the tribe.      

Halison Notes

  Bars ETC The Hovel - a dive bar with three communal rooms for rent, bed space not promised   Open To All - a tourist trap that charges an insane amount for everything. it sells "communal rooms" with no promises of space or beds.   Pango Hut - a basic inn with lots of small privary rooms, escorts work nearby   Needles Point - a almost high end spot that is run by dangerous gangsters and pirates   Drink of Silk - a bar known to be great for business contacts, but hard to get into guild contacts   Silver Needle - a high end bar for wealthy foriegners   Leaf Stich - an Exclusive Club for the extremly wealthy, noble and not   Rainbow Bridge - noble only venue, outsiders not welcome       Omar Pango - cousin of the King   The Current King is Clarence Pango Seventh of His name, of Percious Eyes and Steady Hands     Abdullah Izz - bartender, sent merbul cherrystep to spy Zephana Kambal - wench Yasser Tspehf - admin of the games, secretary is named kelly Ade Bola - black crest member Hayder Abd - works for Omar, dead, eaten by t rex
Merbul Cherrystep


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