Session 2
General Summary
The team learns the blackguard is from 407 thousand years ago. They find themselves seemingly to have traveled into the future. Krell, the black guard and Christos are missing. They go upstairs to look around.
While looking around, Trini finds a book from her god Sinclair. Hali finds a safe hidden behind a bookcase in the high priest’s office.
Eventually they make it to the portal room and they smell a sweet smell followed by the sight of bodies all around. The bodies are enveloped in vines that are poisoned with a type of poison that seems to slow the infected person’s heart rate. After some sampling Sora figures out how to make an antidote. They begin searching
They knock on a door and find some people who let them into a storage area. They begin looking around for a carrot. They find a carrot and exit the kitchen into the main business area which is a casino. They meet a wood elf that takes Zanneth to a crapps table. Hali decides to gamble some. Trini talks to a seer while freezing time then decides to steal from some people as well as making sure her friends win. Zanneth chooses to get some of his winnings to the ones that invited him to the table
The party joins back up and begins searching for more info. Sora begins talking with a gnome about the people they found with the vines, but he knows nothing. She does find out that they travelled 102 years into the future.
Report Date
08 Apr 2023