

  Born Sinclair Westwood.   He is the God of Time and Paradox   He was a lover of Irie Eltoris and when she used her wish to change the timeline she created the paradox of Sinclair, and thus was born a new god.   He can not see the isle of Karaigída due to a series of tunnels under the island that make out a rune of tempioral blindness, the tunnels were dig by Christos and Rezel .   He is now generally seen as a half elf in a white shirt and brown pants and vest, His eyes glow purple, and he is often alouf.   He is the technical leader of Agents of Sinclair   Married to Iris .   Father of Bihar .    

Known History

  He was the Prince of Laban prior and during the Myths of Aldatu . Having taken over the The Wandering Lost after Dessa Wander . He was a lover of Irie Eltoris and ruled Laban with an iron fist.
The moment that resulted in The Laban Paradox is the moment Irie Eltoris makes a wish, and they all die thanks to Vizaren .
He ascends with the New Gods with the Treaty of the New Gods along side his former lover, and future wife, Iris 

Once Ascended he was flooded with power and has never really mastered it, even eons later. Struggling to understand the myriad of futures and pasts, and presents he sees at all times.
He appeared many times during Legacy of Eltoris but was blind to Karaigída thanks to a rune dug into the island by Rezel and Christos . 
He is a central figure in the Legacy of Westwood where his Agents of Sinclair are tasked with maintaining the Time Line.      

Piety Myths 

  She Deserves to Live. - Saving the Wife of a fellow god by altering the time line, the god could never be with his love, but she survives her illness === (If an ally dies, you can heal a different ally by the same amount of health.)   Thirty Years of Family - Sinclair and Iris live in eh Feywild and raise a family before returning to kill Besar. === (If a family member goes down, you fully heal, and so do they, once per day)   A City That Was - In some times, Laban was never destroyed, and Sinclair was their prince. A thief and crime lord. a patron of rouges, the Prince of Laban. === (+1 Stealth +1 CHA)     The Paranoid Prince - As Prince of Laban Sinclair was always concerned with attacks from he outside. He was paranoid and closed himself from even his most trusted advisors. === (+3 Perception and +3 Insight checks, but all failures are critical)   Chaos Agent - Paradox means chaos, a lack of rules. Chaos rules. === (You may force up to three rerolls per day, your roles, or others)




Towards Sinclair



Towards Iris

Iris (spouse)


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