Treaty of the New Gods


A treaty signed and agreed to by most of the new gods during Besar's Conquest of Hell when Victor Mortis argued the power of Divine Law.
Signers are all a part of Pantheon of Minos .    


  Article One : Divine Hierarchy
Every Hundred Years the gods elect a Speaker.
The Gods are separated into sects and each sect has a Representative who serves as a check on the power of the Speaker by serving on a divine council.
Each Sect may appoint their Representative in whatever manor they choose.
  • Nature : Tempest, Hunt, Chaos
  • Life : Art, UnderDogs, War, Trickery, Forge
  • Arcana : Undeath, Paradox,
  • Philosophy : Balance, Justice, Grief, Sacrifice, Knowledge
  The Speaker is the leader of the New Gods, and is charged to lead the Gods in whatever ways needed, and to seek the advice of their council.
They must keep the peace between the gods by settling disputes and overseeing trials. The Speaker may call for a vote from their council or the gods at large. Any situation that involves more than one god or divine domain must be put to a vote.
The Divine Council may vote challenge the Speaker, and a vote of No Confidence can be held among all the gods. If two thirds majority signal No Confidence the Speaker is removed and a new Speaker is elected.
Any article in this treaty may be amended after a unanimous vote of acceptance has been reached on the change of said article. . . . Article Two: Chronomancy
Major acts of Chronomancy are only available to gods. Minor acts of chronomancy such as stopping or speeding up time are unrestricted. Time travel is unrestricted to Gods with the understanding that no god will commit an act that will fracture or split the time line from the chosen timeline. If a god wishes to commit an act that will result in a time split or fracture, they must gain approval through a vote.
  The Chosen Timeline is maintained by God of Paradox, any obstructions or changes may be argued by the gods, and implemented by the order of the Speaker.
  God of Paradox shall maintain a magical system of time observance.
God of Paradox may recruit mortals to act as his deputies to assist him in apprehending a god who has violated this article of the treaty, as well as to fix the timeline and restore balance after a unwarranted time split or time fracture.
Deputies of the god of paradox are given a magical item that gives them access to chronomancy to aid in these missions. The god of paradox can deactivate these amulets as he sees fit in the event one of his deputies goes rogue or loses their amulet.
  Actions resulting from a god violating this article will be covered in article four: divine justice. . . Article Three: Interplanal Travel
Interplanal travel is unrestricted for gods with the exception of the divine plane created by each god to serve as their home plane. The only way another god can access a gods home plane is by being invited by the god whom created that plane.
  Mortals have access to interplanal travel amongst mirror realms at the disgression of each mirror realm’s desire by majority, if a mirror realm’s inhabitants as a majority desire for their plane to have open access then any mortal from any mirror realm may travel to that mirror realm via normal means, if a mirror realm’s inhabitants as a majority desire their realm to be locked down then no interplanal travel may occur either in or out of that mirror realm. Gods are not restricted by the desires of mortals
  Mortals also have access to unrestricted interplanal travel through difficult ritualistic magic, divine artifacts, or magical artifacts originating from a mirror realm. This rule includes interplanal travel to any realm or plane up to and including even the home plane of any god with the understanding that if a mortal gains the ability to and does travel to any divine plane they are subjected to any punishment or action enacted on them by the presiding power of that plane. If a mortal accesses a divine plane any and all gods presiding over that plane are telepathically notified of the mortals location instantaneously. Gods can not access a home plane of another god using these means.
  . . . Article Four: Divine Justice 
Divine Justice is achieved through a trial system. If a god feels another god has wronged them in any way they can demand a trial be held. During the trial the accuser must bring proof of the accused’s actions or crime, and the accused must bring proof of their innocence or reasoning for their actions. The trial’s jury will consist of a randomly selected group of unbiased mortals as to prevent potential conflicts of bias amongst gods. After the trial the mortals are redeposited into the mortal realm at the exact moment of their acquisition with no memory of their involvement in the trial. If the accused is found guilty of the wrongdoing a punishment is assigned through council of the gods, on the other hand if it is found that a god has wrongly accused another god of wrongdoing that god is also subjected to punishment assigned through council.
  Legal matters involving chronomancy are handled amongst gods with the god of paradox acting as the judge and the jury comprised of all the other gods. In the event that a unwarranted time split or fracture is reported the god whom created the unwarranted time split is acquired and transported to a special prison plane by the god of paradox to await trial. This prison plane is specific to breaches in chronomantic law and once a god is transported into this plane they can not exit this plane and in terms of power a god residing in this prison plane is reduced to the power of a level one mortal, with no access to any of their divine powers. No god including the god of paradox will be able to enter this prison. At the time of their trial, the god on trial will be brought to trial through a special summoning that also affixes them with divine handcuffs which restrict their power similar to that of the prison. This will give the perpetrating god a chance to defend and explain their actions. Continued in part two…
    Punishments for chronomantic crimes can include up to being removed from divinity and being redeposited into the mortal realm as a level one mortal and even a death sentence.
  Punishments for wrongdoing that result in imprisonment are achieved via a prison realm separate from the chronomantic prison realm, but gods imprisoned here are subjected to the same restrictions to their power, as well as the same restrictions to access. Once their imprisonment is completed they regain their power and are removed from the prison realm. This realm has cells in which gods are kept separated from each other. Time does not pass in the prison realm allowing the god to serve their assigned time without any time seeming to pass once they have served their time and are removed from the prison realm with the exception of them being aware of how much time they spent in the prison realm.
  . . . Article Five: Divine Abilities
All gods and divine champions inherit the following abilities upon being granted godhood or champion status:
  1. True Sight, the ability to see anything invisible magical or otherwise   2. The ability to see in complete darkness up to 60ft, even in magically created darkness   3. The ability to speak all languages
  This article will remain open and be subject to additions and subtractions of abilities as voted upon by council 
  Article Six: The Rite of Ascension
New gods are created through a rite of ascension. The requirements of The Rite of Ascension are as follows
  • One must be followed by many • One must wield the power of the people • One must be adored and/or liked by their followers • One must gain the honor of at least one god from each sect • One must display complete dedication to the domain they believe in


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