Wandering Lost


  The Party, or Gang, of the current Prince of Laban , Sinclair Westwood , a powerful Warlock.   The Gang controls Laban, and has many lesser crews within it.   Its main party, and now captains of the gang include.   Harry Johnson - Barbarian -Very dumb human who has a dent in his head, but is very strong. has a strong right hand man, a wizard, who helps keep him in check   Erbis Lastshield Thief - A gnome who has learned the art of theft, and is a master of poison, the offical leader of The Ratfull Dodgers , but they do not regularly actually lead them.   Davina Brightmoon Ranger - a half human half wood elf who was raised in the woods as a hunter, her family killed, and then adopted into a gang, met Sinclair when she was young, and joined the Wandering lost early.   Lou Anderson Artificer - a detective type who got in over his head. learned the nobels were in on a crime, and fell from his faith, now he wants nothing more than to fuck over the nobility and create tech to do so.   Tamsin Wright Half Elf Cleric - a cleric of Odola He is a battle healer, and knows how to fight. he joined the group a few years ago, and now advises Sinclair on many things.   Cazwell Galrock Monk - a fist fighter who loves to get drunk and start a fight, joined just a few years ago after getting into a fight with the Ranger at a bar.         Originally Included a Wizard, druid, fighter(who used to be the leader) and an Assassin, they are all dead   Dessa Wander Fighter - The original leader was a master swordsman, and the one who pulled the gang together in the first place.   Garfell The Wicked Wizard - An old man who lost everything, and has decided to adventure for the rest of his life.   Tasha Yar Druid - A detective on the search for the truth of what happened, what broke the nature. He dies after meeting Rustys Character.   Sal the Shadow Assassin - A young killer who is eaten by a dragon.
Adventuring Party


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