Xobin Wildeye


Shadows of Etsipena - a gang of thieves that beleive Eromena {Old God} is an evil god and want to stop the drug and alcohol abuse of the city. Commander Xobin Wildeye, son of Vinrance Wildeye , and he hates Holkaar and now, all of the crest, seeing them as having embraced Eromena and Etsipena , and for the mutilation of his father. Executor Ronkur Briskbrand, a non nonsense gnome who kills, and kills well. has a magic dagger that rots the victim away   Known History   Was raised not knowing what his father did, but when his father was mutilated by Holkaar Wildcloak he learned of it, learned of the The Black Crest and decided to dedicate himself to destroying them.   Took part in the storming of WildCloak Casino


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