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Aldebaran V4: Ghasts in the Dark

General Summary

Heading into the dark crypts of Kathvin, the party would be welcomed by the scornful whispers coming from the darkness of the center hallway. A sinster red glow emanated from within, shadowy shapes occasionally manifesting within the gloom. Attempting the detect the magic, they'd discover that the darkness was supernatural and impossible to pierce through with their standard vision. They would also detect a trap in the form of a creature, a malicious thing called a Crypt Thing. Should they have taken a few more steps forward, the creature would likely have attempted to get into the middle of their group and teleport them randomly within the crypt. Deciding to avoid that, the party would listen to Phil the Ghasts advice and head into the western hall. Phil would warn them of the dangers within, ones that he was more familiar with compared to the eastern hall.   Down that hallway, they'd engage the Ghast Gang. Arrows shot from the darkness would attempt to hit home, but the party's undead would raise their shields and push down the hallway. Foot by foot, they'd see that the Ghasts were prepared for them. They had set up a barricade, but their strategy wasn't working against the shield wall. When the party finally got close enough, Rozalin would get past the barricade and try to take them on. Unfortunately, a pit had been placed by Sha, and flashbacks of the Pit Bandits rose back up to the surface of Rozalin's mind. She fell into the pit.   That wouldn't have been so bad by itself, but the party was then flanked by another Ghast and the Will o' Wisp from before. Trapped in the hallway between their foes, things started to turn bad. Rozalin would get out of the pit and deliver a devastating blow to their leader all while threatening the archers and sorcerer, but over time she would start to suffer blows. The flank threatened Sha and Luner, hurting them quite badly as well. Backed into a corner, the party would throw everything they had at their foes. Grease laced with acid, desperate heals being thrown out, the prisoner the Ghasts had turning against them, and critical blows being landed, the party would find their footing once more. The Ghast Gang would find themselves slain, the party standing battered over their corpses. Deciding to get out of the crypt for the time being, they'd loot the Ghasts room before heading back above ground. A short rest later while talking with the rogue Zwe'sect, they'd look back towards the crypt.

Rewards Granted

  • Treasure from the Ghast Gang.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Defeated the Ghast Gang of the Kathvin Crypts.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Memento (Rogue Zwe'sect) - A prisoner Zwe'sect that seems to have gained sentience, she helped the party against the Ghast Gang.
Ending In-Game Date & Time
Janarth 9th 294 A.D. / 12:15pm
Report Date
16 Jul 2023
Primary Location


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