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The Hidden Continent of Sacriel is home to the refugees of the Wrekuinao Dynasty's conquest, discovered but a few years before the Year of Destruction. What was once a wild and untapped continent has been tamed. A land with an extremely rich deposit of gold, diamonds, silks, and other luxury goods, the beastfolk of Sacriel have created an industrious nation out of nothing in the years they've spent there.   Sacriel used to be a democratic republic until major factions essentially took control of the nation. Now a plutocracy, the elections that take place in Sacriel are nothing more than a popularity contest. Merchant guilds, mercenary factions, rich nobles, they control the comings and goings within the lands of Sacriel. While the continent has some of the nicest areas, luxury resort islands and fantastic cities with gold embeddings, Sacriel also has some real slums that barely make do. Parts of the continent where the populace is essentially forced into a mediocre living digging valuables out of dirty mines, there is a huge discrepancy between rich and the poor of Sacriel.   To go against any of the major factions in Sacriel is a dangerous business. People that have promised change within their democratically elected campaigns have quickly recanted on that change or have gone missing. While there's opportunity for anyone to strike out on their own and make their own living, you had best not be stepping on any big toes. Prove yourself useful, or be happy with your lot in life. That is the motto of Sacriel.   Much of the continent still remains untamed. Adventure is always a welcome prospect, and the factions are always looking to expand themselves further. Relations between them aren't always clean either, and many businesses have come and gone through the turbulence.  

Geographic Locations

Spine Mine Mountain Line:

A large mountain line that covers the northwestern spine of Sacriel and extends into the Farnak mountain ranges, these once turbulent mountains have been tamed by the people. Having many entrances into the Realms down Under, mines have been set up all around these mountains and provide ample income and resources to Sacriel.  

World's End:

The dry and deadly regions of eastern Sacriel, this is where the only black stone mountain range Sacriel has can be found. So dense with the magic resistant material, the air is leaden with it, making casting spells and interacting with the Weave here incredibly difficult. Only the toughest and bravest venture within here, the prospect of sudden wealth gained here a chance many are willing to take.

Holidays and Events

Day of Discovery:

Celebrated on Janarth 15th, this is the day when Sacriel was discovered. Typically a day of event and partying.  

Major Factions

Diamond Dogs:

The Diamond Dogs of Sacriel are a prolific mercenary faction started by a group of Ōkagǒu in the year 193. A very brutal and viciously efficient group lead by the Wolfman Darxik Deathfang, they did all sorts of jobs no one else at the time would accept. Killing extremely dangerous monsters, providing protection in the most remote areas of Sacriel, assassinations, brigandry, there was nothing they wouldn't do. The Diamond Dogs amassed so much wealth and power that eventually they branched out, declaring themselves to be the only mercenary group worth hiring within the continent. They'd expand their business to other nations, the Wrekuinao Dynasty hiring them as as privateers against the Teobik Trust as one example. They'd accept new hands that weren't just canids in the year 222. Their current head of the company is also the president of Sacriel, Dagnis Deathfang.  

The Felic Association:

The Felic Association is one of the most longstanding and powerful group of merchants in Aldebaran. Originally cast out from the Wrekuinao Dynasty before the year of destruction, they have settled and formed their main base of operations within the Heart of Sacriel. The original founder, Leoshal Felic, was killed during the Wrekuinao's conquest. His daughter, Meristil Felic, set up the foundations of the business with the early discovery of the vast riches located within the continent. While future guildmasters would expand upon the companies power, it was Meristil that truly made the association into what it is today. During her formative years she would help set up the trade routes, fund the creation of cities, and assist with the exploration efforts. The Felic Association, most notably the main family, are a major power for the various countries within Sacriel. Holding dominion over the markets, the merchants within the company, supply and demand, they've been known to cut expenses with their enemies and drown them out of the economy. There current guildmaster, Imori Felic, is a ruthless individual who has pushed out any who she sees as a threat. The Felic Association holds a grudge against the Wrekuinao Dynasty for their ousting many years ago, and therefore deals prolifically with nearly every country besides those within the Dynasty.  

Fangbreaker Corporations:

The Fangbreakers are a mega corporation of miners that hold claim to many of the richest deposits within Sacriel. A relatively new conglomerate, this group was formed by the sudden acquisition of many separate miners guilds. The CEO of the Fangbreakers, a sathaxrin by the name Sendoliss Fangbreaker, somehow managed to convince and buyout all these separate mining companies and form this conglomerate that is slowly choking out other the mining guilds. Easily the wealthiest faction within Sacriel, there are many who would like to see him dead.  

Shining Hands:

A company of rogues, the Shining Hands make their way in Sacriel as thugs, shifters, and cutpurses for hire. They offer their services to anyone with the coin, and they're very effective at what the do. Composed of all walks of life, their hierarchy is masked. The lowest members only know who's directly above them, those above them, and so on. Started somewhere around the early 200s, it was thought a kobold started the enterprise. Many attempts have been made to stamp out the company, but their structure has allowed them to persist. It also allows them a degree of freedom when interacting with other factions. With how loose they are, holding a grudge against them is like being angry at a group of ants. You can smash a portion of the nest, but the rest of the nest doesn't care. It's easier to just use them as a tool whenever convenient and accept they'll mess you up sometimes.  

Avlontol Research Association:

The Avlontol are a company of researchers and mages that make up quite a large majority of the educational foundations of Sacriel. With a focus on expounding upon the Weave, most magical aspirees look towards this association rather than others simply because of the benefits they provide. Ample funds, equipment and labs, access to tomes, the other factions simply can't hold a candle to the benefits they provide besides the rapidly rising Clock and Weave Engineers Union.  

Clock and Weave Engineers Union:

A union of engineers that has been making rapid advancements in the idea of weave enhanced automations and devices, the Clock and Weave Union is an very new company that focuses more on the mechanical applications of the Weave rather than its magical capabilities. Creating engines, guns, electricity, that's their schtick. The formation of this union occurred when the each individual company felt chained the the previous factions. A tachidoki called Yenlur Usavki, tired of the Avlontol's focus on magic, would recognize this problem and splinter off from them. He'd propose these engineering companies form a union and support themselves and their projects. With a field as unexplored as clockweave, this has been a booming success and the other factions are begrudgingly paying through the nose for some of their inventions. Setting up their own institutions and laboratories, they rival the Avlontol Research Association for those looking to pursue a career in research.


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