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Day of Discovery

The people of Sacriel treat the 15th of Janarth as a special holiday. Before the Year of Destruction, when the Wrekuinao Dynasty was conquering much of the western and central world, some of the refugees from those who fled east from Wom'lai founded the island continent Sacriel. Now called the Day of Discovery for the denizens of Sacriel, it's considered a day of celebration and warmth. Even the most tyrannical of factions within the realm give their workers a day off.   With exquisite parades and grand feasts aplenty, people are expected to get wild on this day. This was the day that Sacriel was founded, and the refugees found safety away from their oppressors. Cities host various events throughout the lands, contests are had, and a general sense of community is formed with neighbors just as the original settlers had to do when they first arrived. The current elected president gives a speech, and for a week or so good times are had.


After Sacriel seemed like a stable enough continent to live on, and people found the vast riches within, it only made sense to dedicate a day to its discovery. The idea spread like fire from the original settlers, and some few years after the Year of Destruction it became a regular event within the island continent.


The Day of Discovery is celebrated on Janarth 15th by residents of Sacriel. Those who came from the island continent have spread its occurrence elsewhere, and while not as highly regarded, some other countries enjoy the holiday as well.
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