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The Malicious Spirit

Doko was once an Eldest (fey demi-god) within the darkest reaches of the feywilds. A maligned creature, Doko revels in terrifying, deceiving, and harming others. He is a monster, having sparked fear in even the most dangerous beings of the feywild. There are few who would challenge the Dishonorable Duelist, those few only being The Green Mother, Cassilda, and Sham'oh Thalia. Through a twisted lens, Doko paided each one of them back in his own cruel way.   Doko was the second Eldest ever to ascend to Theotian status, Sham'oh Thalia being the first. It was said that Doko partook of a contest with other much more powerful creatures of the feywild to claim his spot, challenging them all and pitting them against each other till there was none but weakened opponents left to fight. Claiming his victory, he barely had to lift a finger to do so, taking delight in stamping out the last one standing.   Followers of Doko are those that enjoy violence and espionage. Understanding the best way to target your foes weakness and bring them to their knees, then twisting the knife with a smile. Followers of Doko are expected to sow strife and bring suffering. They do not work well together. A cleric of Doko is almost always a lone figure within the community, though they often have allies of other sorts. Doko will use whatever means available to bring about his enemies destruction, whether that involves abusing the rules, or outright ignoring them. A deal with a follower with Doko is dangerous, and depends on the individual. They are just as likely to follow through on their honor just as they are to recant on their word just as quickly.


Doko is depicted as a wooden figure like a puppet, strings attached to the limbs. His face is a cruel mask with a wicked crescent smile. His symbol is that of a knife behind a theater mask, either smiling or frowning.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Let your enemies know how you deceived them.
  • Cause as much suffering as possible.
  • Fool your foes, make them fall on their own blades.
    • A false sense of honor can be just as deadly as a real one.
Divine Classification
True Deity
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Deadly Trickster, Masked Killer, Dishonorable Duelist
Main Planes
Indelcaun & The Feywild
Holy Symbol/Sigil
Knife behind theater mask, either smiling or frowning.


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