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The Queen of Fey

Cassilda was once an eldest (demi-god) fey legend within the realms of the Feywilds, a mystical place that exists with the planar edges of Aldebaran's material. Cassilda during those times was a peaceful and caring entity, her holds within the feywild a welcome solace versus the dangerous and more sinister portions held by other more foul eldest like the Green Mother. She had amicable relationships with many different creatures, especially to the Norns that govern the Threads of Fate, which were once wholly managed by Yis and Omorful'henzio Khakranzee. It would be during the revolt against dragonkind, when the weave was first being created by Utosserix where she would fully ascend to the status of Theotian.   It is said that many centuries ago, there were three gods of fate. However, some betrayal by one of those two caused the rest of the Theotians to outcast this god. Thus, it was only Yis and Omorful'henzio Khakranzee that acted as the gods of fate for a time. During the uprising of the lesser races, as that was what they were called by dragons during those ages, the The Primordial Wyrm deemed that an imbalance had been created in the threads. Cassilda was chosen amongst many candidates to help with governing the threads of fate and all the new strings bound to each persons soul that came with the revolution. That is why the relationship between followers of Yis and Cassilda are strained, despite the shared responsibility the two gods share towards dealing with fate. Omorful'henzio followers couldn't care less.   Cassilda had always been a trickster at heart, good natured pranks was something that she enjoyed. She would play tricks upon many different creatures as well as against some other Eldest, just to remind them to be humble. As a shapeshifter in a realm of mischievous creatures, she was considered the best amongst all when it came to passing off as something else, and that is no small praise.   Before moving to Indelcaun after her ascension, Cassilda's realm extended even so far as to the base of the Tree of Ygdrasil. Eldest of other forms would even form an alliance to remove her from the tree, but she would always outwit them. It was only Doko who ever managed to put her on the backfoot, once claiming the base of the tree as his realm for a time. She never managed to repay him back for that slight before he had ascended himself.


Cassilda is often depicted as a silvery slender woman with long golden hair and glowing yellow eyes. Othertimes, she is a beautiful rainbow hued butterfly, as that is her symbol as well. Though truly, any depiction of Cassilda is fair, as she is capable of becoming whatever she wishes.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Live free and humble the arrogant.
  • Seek to do good with your life, root out evil from your fate and thr fates of others.
  • Be kind towards the downtrodden and do what you think is right.
  • Fate is a thread, but one that branches out. You are still in control of your destiny.
Divine Classification
Favored Weapon
True Deity
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Golden Lady, Rainbow Butterfly, Fate Weaver
Main Planes
Indelcaun & The Feywilds
Holy Symbol/Sigil
Rainbow hued butterfly


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