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Gnolls are a brutal race of canid humanoids, representing hulking hyena men. Gnolls exist all over Aldebaran; as slaves within Mortl'krak, seafaring pirates within The Whirl, desert nomads of The Red Fields and more. Territorial and religious creatures, Gnolls can be hard to negotiate with should one come unprepared. They speak in rudimentary barks and snarls and are typically too dumb to understand other culture's languages. That is not to say that is impossible for them. If given proper education, they are just as capable as any other race. Typically, an Alpha is a Gnoll that has returned from a journey of learning in order to better lead a tribe in a world where cooperation is necessary.   Due to their animalistic and tribalistic behaviors, the often fight with their instincts to integrate within a society. Prejudices toward Gnolls and their violent history often overshadow any first impression a Gnoll can make towards others. It is quite common that crimes committed against a Gnoll are overlooked within the systems that protect other humanoids. Many Gnoll tribes find it pointless then to attempt any communication and instead isolate themselves as much as possible or even outright attack those that trespass in their territory. In an age of the world where trade and the exchange of knowledge leads to further advancement, Gnolls continue to fall further and further behind. Their numbers within the world continue to dwindle, and it is expected that soon they should die out all together.   Gnolls are not inherently good nor evil beings. Rather, they are shaped by the nature and cultures around them. The harsh nature of the environments they're segregated into tend to make them jaded towards things that do not help with their immediate survival. Gnolls that have been blessed with more hospitable environments are softer. They are more willing to interact with those around them and take up more liberal arts. Rarely, some civilizations even accept Gnolls within their cities. While never taking up positions of governance, prejudices preventing, they can still hold jobs similar to that of any other humanoid. The only civilization that is run by gnolls is co-ran by the desert iruxi of Rabul, the city of trade called Kirsulx. The Flesh Markets of Kirsulx are one of the biggest sources of slave trading and prostitution in the world.   Gnolls value family similarly to other humanoids. Families are close knit and caring towards one another. However, their familial structure is polyandrous. Female Gnolls typically have multiple husbands. The more males a female has, they more they are revered within their tribe. When kits are born, typically 3-5, the female nurses them for 1-2 years. When capable of standing on their own, they are split based on their sex. Male Gnolls are taken by the fathers and taught the necessary skills to survive based on their realized talents. Female Gnolls stay with the mother and are tested based on their aptitude towards druidic and shamanistic ability. This is a critical moment for the family. If such an aptitude is found, the child is considered blessed and the family gain recognition amongst their peers. The husbands are considered to be of superior strength and gain more influence, and the mother is often made into a S'zernkai (most similar to matriach in most languages). This process is rare, as even giving birth to one female is an honor in of itself. If no ability is found within a female kit, they are transferred to the husbands to become a worker or a warrior.   Even more rarely, a special Gnoll is born. With above average intelligence, guaranteed divine aptitude, far greater strength and more, this Gnoll is called a Flind. Whether male or female the Flind is given to the leader of the tribe to be directly trained, and the family given immense prestige. The Flind is almost always guaranteed to become a tribe leader, and great things are expected from them.   Gnolls don't particularly dislike any of the other races anymore than the rest, the exception being iruxi. The two races have competed for dominance nearly all their lifespans within the harsh wastes, and an innate hatred exists between the two.  


Gnolls average at around 6ft tall, but only because their sizes differ so much between 5-7 feet. They stand up straight and have big five digit hands, 2 digitigrade legs, and a small hyena tail. Their fur is typically brown with black spots, but some Gnolls with dirty orangish and white fur have been known to exist. They have big heads with a large stunt snout and powerful jaws, set upon a thick neck that is hunched forward. They have two dog like ears on the tops of their heads. Their eyes are always dark and black.  


Type Humanoid/(Canid)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Strength or Dexterity, +2 Constitution, and -2 Intelligence
Size medium
Speed 30ft.
Language Gnolls start with two regional languages and Gnoll. Gnolls with high Intelligence scores can learn Aklo, Elven, and Orcish.

Racial Traits

  • [1 RP] Snapping Jaws: Gnolls gain a bite attack (1d6).
  • [2 RP] Darkvision: Gnolls can see up to 60ft. in complete darkness.
  • [1 RP] Stalker: Perception and Stealth are always class skills for a Gnoll.
  • [2 RP] Natural Armor: Gnolls have thick furred hides, gaining a +1 Natural Armor bonus.
  • [0 RP] Hyena Empathy: Gnolls gain a +4 bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence hyenas.
  • [4 RP] Scent: Gnolls gain the scent ability.
  • [2 RP] Flanker: When a Gnoll flanks a creature, they instead gain +4 bonus to their attack bonus instead of +2.
  • [1 RP] Weapon Familiarity: Gnolls are proficient with the Flindbar and treat the weapons "Moon Blade" and "Crescent Sawknife" as martial weapons.


Racial Weaponry

Moon Dancer Blade - A deadly blade with unique handling. The fat edge of the weapon leads to rapid blood loss. A religious weapon, devoted the lycanthrope god Leyinix and the three moon sisters.   Crescent Sawknife - A small and wicked blade designed with serrations meant to shred flesh in critical points. While not particularly good at consistent damage, the horrible wounds it can inflict can quickly leave a healthy foe bleeding out on the ground.
Scientific Name
Crocuta Hominid   Origin/Ancestry
Canid   Lifespan
70-100 years   Typical Habitat
Deserts   Average Physique
Large for medium sized humanoids, slight hunch, and strong.


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