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The race with the highest amount of members upon Aldebaran, you'll find humans just about anywhere you look. Even in the western beastfolk continents, humans have made their presence known to just about every community known. Extremely versatile, skilled, ambitious, and tough, humans have been involved with just about every major event known to history.   Once an underground race, humans were the among the first to emerge and challenge the draconic forces when they ruled the service world. Aligning themselves with the reptilian races, they formed a huge force and were one of the major factors in destabilizing their authority. Throughout history they'd be the heroes, and villains, and various situations. The Arch-Lich Chuandozuz was once a human, the being who annihilated half of Isrem . Likewise, many of those who were a part of the force that put him down were also humans.   Humans are numerous, and unlike the sharp fanged and hard scaled beast races, they make up for their lack of natural defenses with their natural ingenuity and community. A human is just as capable as being a brute fighter as they are a scholar and a researcher, sometimes even both. Though because of how numerous they can get, there tends to be a divide between beastfolk and the carofolk. During the Beast and Caro wars many centuries before the Year of Destruction, there had been a great racial hatred between the two generalizations of races. In today's age that anger has mostly faded, although there are still some realms that make that hatred known, the continent of Cordain for example.   When it comes to religion and alignment, no human is like the other. With varying ideals and ever different forms of worship, they'll range from the law and absolute order to chaos incarnate. They tend to lean more towards the central axiis of the chart however, neutrality runs easily through human blood. There are simply so many throughout the world that you're bound to find exceptions everywhere.  


Humans comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Averaging around 6ft and 160lbs, males tend to be taller, stockier, and heavier while females tend to be shorter, thinner, and lighter. Their skin color ranges from completely black to nearly colorless (though their blood causes them to appear slightly pinkish). They walk on two plantigrade legs and have two 5 digit arms. Humans have very little hair compared to most other races, especially beastfolk. Their eye colors can range from all sorts of different colors, though slightly brownish seems to be the most common.  


Type Humanoid/(Velund)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Any, +1 Any
Size medium
Speed 30ft.
Language Humans begin play speaking three regional languages. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

Racial Traits:

  • [4 RP] Flexible Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
  • [4 RP] Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
  • [4 RP] Unbreakable: Humans gain an additional hitpoint at first level and one additional hit point whenever they gain a level.

Scientific Name
Primis Vexillum Hominem   Origin/Ancestry
Homo Erectus   Lifespan
70-100   Typical Habitat
Any habitat, humans are extremely adaptable and prolific.   Average Physique
All forms of physique, wiry, thick, thin, large, stocky and more.


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