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The center of life within the Velveteen Petals System, Aldebaran is relatively small planet compared to every other planet. Orbited by the three moons Lunayin, Io, and Charon, Aldebaran follows a 24 hour day/night cycle and has 365 days in a year.   There is a fourth moon that orbits the planet, but due to old religious text, it is said the light of So'lith refuses to shine upon it. Most people don't even realize it's there in their lifetime. Scientists and astrologers can view its existence, but as old texts say, it's a blackened rock similar in texture to the mysterious black stone ruins and cities of Aldebaran that reflects no light. It also appears to have been grievously shattered, chunks of the moon floating in space, the core of the satellite exposed.   Aldebaran is quite similar to modern day earth in terms of temperature and environment. There is a large ocean and continents spread across the planet. Many of the planets scientific explanations, such as the green house effect of earth, are explained with the Weave. The way it works is similar, it's just that there magic involved, and it can manipulated by those with the knowledge to do so. The people of Aldebaran don't know all this exactly, but that's essentially how the Theotians of Aldebaran made it an inhabitable world. The Weave is basically physics in the form of manipulatable magic, and everything possesses something like that.   Aldebaran has existed for... many eons. There is a history to this planet that goes beyond recorded times. There are unexplained phenomenon within Aldebaran that no one how they came to be. Even the magic and divinations of the Theotians aren't enough to provide a clear picture. Perhaps the dark truth of Khakranzee can bring some light to these mysteries, but all mortals it's revealed to tend to turn insane.   Aldebaran is the only planet to possess the Weave. To go to another planet without some external Weave is a death sentence, you won't be able to return. People say master wizards like Silly have been to planets like Ub, and used the vishkanyan weave crystals to return. Though deplorable, it is no doubt proof that it is possible. What other secrets does the Velvet Petal system hold?
Celestial Bodies:
Lunayin, Io, Charon, The Blackened   Climate:
Ranges from unlivably cold to very hot. Mostly average around warm.   Circumference:
Around twenty six thousand miles   Year:
365 days   Day:
24 hours   Habitable & Sentient Life:
True & True

Included Locations


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